Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

In Harry's room? Talking? About what!?! I had the urge to know.

"Okay then, I’ll call them" I said and stood up

"And none of you better start without us"

"Yes ma'am"

"Oh by the way where is Harry's room?" i asked

"Upstairs 3rd door on the right" Liam said

"Thanks Li" i replied and went of course upstairs. I found the 3rd door. I was about to knock but i heard Harry say "Yeah, i like her mate. Do you?"

Niall replied "Yeah mate, I like her too"

Okay so Harry and Niall likes one girl? Wow, what a lucky girl! But the one million question is, Who is she?

I finally knocked and said "Boys! Food is ready"

"Be down in a minute"

"No! Come out NOW!!" I demanded and opened the door. I found Niall with his guitar at the edge of his bed and Harry staring at the window.

"What is up with you two?" I asked

"Nothing... we just.... talked" Niall said while Harry kept silent


"Something you don't need to know" Harry said.

"Pardon? I mean.... um okay. The food is ready come down when you’re done" I said while leaving the room.

Niall's POV

Belle left the room leaving Harry and I

"Mate, you don't need to be rude. She is still Simon's niece" I said facing Harry

"I'm not rude lad" Harry replied

"Harry! I don't want us to fight over a girl!"

"Neither do i!"

"Please lad, let’s just forget this conversation and go down stairs and eat!" I said

"I'd like that" Harry replied

Once we were down stairs they were already eating. We sat at out usual place. NO ONE WAS TALKING. Everyone was silent. Well this is awkward.

Then suddenly Belle's phone rang....

"Yeah?" "What?" "Wait, wait" She said

"Um excuse me for a minute; i need to take this call"

We all nodded in respond. I wonder who that was.

Belle's POV

After i excused my self i quickly ran at the garden.... Again.

"Okay, I’m alone now. Slowly, tell me what happened" I said talking to the phone.

It was Katherine. Kat for short. Kat is my best friend in the ENTIRE WORLD! We grew up together that's why we know each other very well. We tell each other secrets. I love this girl even though sometimes were the absolute opposite. That's why i got worried when i heard her crying and i have absolutely NO idea why.

"Mason, he – he – he has another girl! His cheater! He cheated while I remain faithful!" Kat said while crying really loud.

"He did what?!!!! No one is allowed to make you cry!!!"

"Oh Belle! I want to hurt him but every time I see him with that girl, I always end up crying a gallon of tears!"

"That is it!!! I’m flying back their first thing tomorrow morning, and when i get there! Mason should probably hide cause I'm gonna break his face!"

"No no! Please don't. I want you to enjoy your vacation with One Direction. I just needed to tell you"

"What?! NO! I don't want you to be all sad their while i have fun! What kind of a best friend would do that?!"

"Belle, please. Do it for me. Just update me every time. Maybe that will lessen the pain"



"Oh fine! But if you ever cry a single drop again I'm flying back their"

"Okay. So how's everything their?"

"Uh! So far I had a small fight with Niall and I think Harry's mad at me"

"Well, I’m not the only one having a bad time aren't I?"

"You said it. And..... the funny thing is.... they don't know I'm an obsessed Directioner just like you"

"What?!!! Are you serious?!!! Why on earth are you not telling them?"

"I don't know. Maybe I’m just afraid they won't like me because I’m a crazy fan of theirs"

"Okay okay, first: They will accept you and second: Don’t be ashamed of what you love!"

"Hm well thank you Kat. I'll call you again later"

"Okay bye. Thank you also"

With that i ended the call and went back to the dinning area.

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