Sparkling? | Ratchet X Autobot Reader Pt.1

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Your POV


I jumped at the sudden noise."Um- Y/n could you come here for a moment please?" I heard Ratchet yell a bit from the Med-bay.

I walked swiftly into the Med-bay; worried that Ratchet hurt himself since I heard a small explosion coming from that room just moments before. As I entered Ratchet's back was turned towards me and it looked like he was holding something "Is everything alright Ratchet?" I asked him with a tint of worry in my voice."um well-" He stuttered a bit as he turned around. In his servos was- a sparkling Optimus? My optics widened as I stared at him and then at the sparkling "By the all Spark- what happened?" I asked as I walked up to him with worry in my optics. He looked at me with concern "Well- I was trying to figure out what this new relic that Optimus brought in was and what it did. He was in the room with me while I was messing with it and well- this happened" He said with a sigh. I gave Ratchet a look of sympathy and then looked at the sparkling Optimus; he was looking up at me with the biggest, cutest optics and smile I have ever seen.

My optics started to water a bit and I couldn't help but smile at him as I felt my spark melt at the sight. Ratchet noticed this and he also couldn't help but smile "How long do you think he will be stuck as a sparkling?" I asked Ratchet while still looking at Optimus. Ratchet thought for a moment "well from what I got from the relic, hopefully Optimus should be back to normal in 24 hours, but till then someone has to take care of him" he said as he lifted his servos up a bit, looking at Optimus. He looked at both of us before reaching his small servos out towards me in a 'pick me up' gesture "I guess he wants you" Ratchet said with a small chuckle. I smiled loving at the sparkling and grabbed him gently; holding him in my arms. "I guess so" I laughed a bit as I looked at Ratchet "I guess I'm babysitting now" I said with a smile that never left my faceplates.

Ratchet's POV

I smiled at the sight, Y/n was so loving and just adorable with Optimus in her servos. My spark warmed at the sight and I felt my faceplates start to heat up a bit. 'No stop it! There is no time for this!' I awkwardly cleared my throat, trying to stop my faceplates from heating up anymore "Though I think you would be a the right person for this but- Y/n do you even know how to take care of a sparkling?" I mentally face-palmed myself. Of course, she would! Most Femme naturally know how to take care of such a task. Y/n gave me a 'seriously?' look; I gave her a small smile and rubbed my servo on the back of my helm awkwardly.

She then gave me a loving smile, which caught me a bit off guard "Yes, I'm pretty sure we both know that I'm up to this task, plus I had many young ones in my family that I had to take care of" she said softly noticing that Optimus was recharging, curled up in her arms. My faceplates heated with embarrassment "yes o-of course" I stuttered 'really? Why did I have to ask that question like I'm not a medic or something? And especially to her? Ugh I'm so stupid' I feared that Y/n noticed my strange behavior so I dismissed it "W-Well you should probably rest with Optimus before he wakes up from the loud voices of the rest of the team" I said quickly as I looked back at my screens so I could hide the redness of my faceplates "You're probably right, well I'll see you later Ratchet" She said as I heard her leave the Med-bay, leaving me alone to my thoughts. I sighed in defeat "why does Y/n do this to me?" I whispered under my breath.

Your POV

I walked to my berthroom and sat on my berth holding Optimus in my servos. He was recharging peacefully and he was adorable, to say the least. I decided to lay down on my berth with him in my arms, I was already pretty tired from the last mission I was on so why not take a small recharge while I have the chance? As I sat there in thought I felt myself drift away into a peaceful recharge as I was thinking about how cute Ratchet was as he was holding the sparkling in his servos when I first entered the Med-bay 'wait- do I have a crush on Ratchet?'

Hello, there reader! I hope you enjoyed part one of this short story! If you would please tell me in the comments below with who you want next!

Also-sorry if there are any mistakes in the story! I'll try my best to fix them if I see them.

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