Ally or Foe | WheelJack X Stubborn!Wrecker!Reader

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S/N =  Sires Name

C/N =  Carriers Name


Your POV.

"Scrap" I whispered under my breath. I was flying through space, in search of anything, energon or planet, when an unknown decepticon tried to scrap me out of nowhere. They didn't succeed but they did cause me to lose quite a bit of energon by hitting one of my ship's fuel lines and taking out my comms. I checked to see the damage and how much energon I had left, hopefully enough to get me on a planet that was nearby. I looked at one of my screens showing the percentage of energon in the fuel tank. It wasn't a lot, dangerously low in fact but it will have to do. I did a scan for a nearby planet, the scanner picked up a planet called Earth. Usually, I would scan the life to see if there are decepticons but I had no time for that, I just had to go for it. 

The atmosfear was rough, to say the least, the ship had lost all its energon pushing through the earth atmosfear. The ship started nose-diving to the ground, I had no way of landing this thing gracefully now. The ground was coming up fast as I tried my best to pull up but to no avail, my ship crashed into the ground hard as it continued to move forward, pushing rocks and dirt with it. Parts of the ship flew off, including one of the wings, which made the ship turn on its side, almost flipping over. The ship came to a stop finally, I was still sitting in my chair but I couldn't see a thing, the windows were covered in dirt and the ship offlined once it hit the ground so there was no light. I got up and started to walk towards the back, after stumbling a bit I was able to make it out of my, now destroyed, ship. I looked around there was sand everywhere. a few big rocks but mostly just sand. I didn't see anyone or anything thing around me so hopefully, I wouldn't have to fight anyone because I'm really not in the mood for that right now. I looked at my ship, it was a complete wreck, it bearly even looked like a ship now, more like an extremely damaged pod. I sighed "That's great, now I'm stuck here, on a planet that I know nothing about and if this whole planet is only sand and rocks will probably offline out of boredom." I said as I rubbed my helm in frustration with my servo. Suddenly I heard a noise from the other side of my ship. I slowly walked to the other side to see Decepticons getting out of a grown bridge 'so there is life on this planet, well Decepticons, not the kind of life I would have wanted but what can you do' I thought as I quickly went over to a rock that was nearby so the cons wouldn't see me. Usually, I would kick their tailpipes but with little resources and not wanting to be in a ton of scrap with the decepticonsright now, I can't risk it. They were searching the ship, well what's left of it anyway. I heard another ground bridge but farther away this time and to my left. I looked in its direction, a big green mech and a yellow and black mech came out of it. Looks like they weren't expecting the welcome party by the Decepticons either as they started shooting at them. "most be Autobots" I whispered to myself as I watched the shoot out. I decided it wasn't best that I stay here and just wait for them to find me. Who knows what they do to a bot that is neither Autobot or Decepticon and I can not afford to get shot right now. I looked behind me, there was practically nothing that could hide my getaway but there was a big hill of sand a few clicks from where I was 'i guess I'll just have to be fast' I thought as I transformed into my alt-mode and booked it. I looked through my mirror to see if anyone was following me as I sped off. The auto bots looked in my direction before continuing fighting. But to my dismay, one of the decepticons decided to follow me "Scrap" I said with a groan as I drifted to the side and transformed, sliding through the sand a bit. I shot at them as they too transformed, missed them after shooting them twice but that gave them enough time to shot me in the shoulder. I hissed quietly in pain before shooting them in the head, which caused them to offline and fall to the ground. I looked at my shoulder, there was a hole with energon coming out of it, surrounded by a blast mark. "Well that's great," I said as I held my shoulder to try and stop the energon, but it didn't really work that well. I started running to the hill and slid behind it. I sighed as I closed my optics for a moment, not even bothering to look in front of me as I tried to rest for a moment. 'Primus, what do I do now? I'm losing energon fast and I'm on an unknown planet, which I have no way off of" I thought as I groaned a bit in pain. I suddenly heard a sword being drawn in front of me. I swiftly opened my optic and pointed my blaster at, what I thought, was a Decepticon. I looked to see a tall, white, green, and red mech standing in front of me with his sword pointed at me. I also saw that he was an Autobot "Who are you, sunshine?" He asked as I stared at him for a moment, taken back by the sudden nickname. "I could ask the same," I said with a slight smirk before I winced at a sudden wave of pain in my shoulder. "But I'm not about to get tortured by you or the others or some scrap," I said with a glare. He stared at me for a moment, clearly confused but before he could do anything, I hit him in the chest plate with my servo as I dodged his sword. I only had one arm to fight with so I had to make it count, he swung at me, I dodged and hit him in the side. This went on for a bit but with my lack of energon, I was losing a lot of strength. I was about to hit him again but I was too slow from the lack of energon and he punched me in the helm, causing me to fall to the ground with a groan. He stood above me and pointed one of his swords at me. I only stared at him, too weak to do anything as my vision became blurry. He stared at me for a moment before suddenly I hard two engines come up behind the mech. It was the Autobots I saw before. They transformed and walked up to him, the green one started talking but before I could hear what they were saying, my vision went dark as I lost all sensation of the sand and the warmth of the planet's sun.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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