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Monday morning comes around a little too quickly for my liking and I can't help but dread my first class of the day. Chem. It only means one thing; working on the project with Noah. God, I didn't want to do that right now. I have no idea if his argument with Bethany has blown over yet or not, but I definitely did not want her to come storming into our class to scream at me. That would be a very Bethany thing to do.

The whirring of the smoothie machine downstairs pulls me away from my thoughts and I take my own sweet time getting dressed, knowing that mason would have my favourite breakfast drink ready for me.

It's my turn to pick up and drop off Caelum to school this week. Mason had done it last week and my dad is on night shift this week, so the responsibility falls to me, of course. I didn't mind though. We always had fun in the car together. You could say I was an almost mother figure in his life? I certainly acted like our own mother, not that Caelum would know, he was too young when she left.

"Vela Kaira!"

I quickly grab my bag and hop down the stairs whilst pinning back half of my curls.

"Sorry!" I shout.

I toss an apple at Caelum quickly and Mason places a quick kiss on my head before going out to the garden. I grab my smoothie and wink at Caelum.

"Ready?" I ask.

He nods eagerly and practically races to the front door and out to my car. I start the engine and wait a few moments.

"What are we doing?" Caelum huffs from the backseat.

"Just a sec..."


I grin at the sound of Sarah's voice and she falls against the bonnet of the car as though she had just run a mile. She really hadn't. She clambers into the passenger seat and rummages through her bag whilst catching her breath.

I finally start driving as she turns to the back handing my little brother a poptart.

"Here you go Cae. I knew VK hadn't fed you properly."

I shoot her a glare, "excuse me. An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

She turns and rolls her eyes with Caelum and they giggle away as I focus on the road. We reach Caelum's school a good ten minutes later and I turn around holding my fist out to him.

"I'll pick you up at around 4, okay?"

He bumps his little fist against mine with a nod.


I hear the door slam shut and wait until I see him run out of sight in the direction of the crowd of younger kids.

"They grow up so fast, don't they?" Sarah jokes.

I giggle and slowly back out of the parking space, ready to make our way to school.

After a quick catch up with Sarah and Jake by the lockers, I hear the first bell ring and I push myself away with a wave in their direction, then head to class. Mr.Rogers had told us that we would be in a computer lab today for the purpose of doing research for the project, which I was thankful for as it meant I could focus more on the screen than on Noah.

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