𝐃𝐨𝐫𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐫

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Hi! So im just now finding this story (that I wrote years ago) and I realized I never finished and sadly dont plan on it. Let
me know if any of yall maybe wanna pick it up or something? Idk. Anyways heres a random draft of the next chapter in case anyone was interested <33
~Friday Afternoon~

Surprisingly, Xavier has given me a lot of freedom.

The only downside is that instead of Papito watching me, who i find out's name is actually Faiz, Taco has to watch me, just because i fLiRtEd with Faiz.


Taco's real name is Hiro, but I honestly dont give a shit.

"Ayo! Taco! COME HERE!!!", i yell, he's supposed to be showing me around the house and stuff, But he keeps ditching me.

Everytime he shows me a room he says what it is really fast, then just continues walking. HES A TERRIBLE TOUR GUIDE

And i have so many questions but he always leaves before i can ask them.

Hes about to show me the pool!

~Friday Evening~

Eventually the tour got boring, but lucky for us, it was dinner time anyway!

Me and Taco made absolutely no progress, the dude is still an ass.

I haven't seen Xavier since the whole office ordeal, He has basically been talking to me through Taco.

I walk into the kitchen and notice im the first person here

"Hey yeah", i boast to myself excited that i get to pick any seat i want.

Hmmm.... should i sit in any random seat, or Xavier's seat?

Just then, i hear footsteps and men approaching

I giggle and run and sit down in Xavier's seat

As soon as the random guys walk in, they see me in his seat and make a face almost as if they are scared for me.

The fuck?

The maid, Maria, chuckles to herself as she comes and sets a plate down in front of me and the other men

A lot more men come and take their seats, all in the same seats as this morning

When Kyle and Cain walk in they sit on the seats closest to Xavier's seat, across from eachother.

Kyle leans to whipser something in my ear: "you better get up babe. xavier will be pissed your in his seat"

I whisper back: "since when do i give a fuck about how xavier feels?"

I say this and he chuckles. Its just a seat i mean... come on?

Everyone ignores my position at the head of the table, and begins to eat their meals

Then i hear him approach

As soon as he walks in, he stops straight in his tracks as he sees me in his seat

"You little bitch", he growls while holding eye contact

I giggle and continue eating as he approaches where i sit

He gets behind my chair then BOOM he snatches me out of the chair and just throws me on the floor! AHH WHAT THE HELL?

He looks smug as he begins to dig in to my food.

Fuck this chump.

I jump up and decide to just sit in his lap.

He stops moving completely.

"Love. What the hell are you doing?",he says trying to push my off of him

"Stoppp- this is my seeeatt", i whine

Everyone just pretends like they dont see whats happening

I am currently wiggling on Xavier's lap and holding the table as he tries to throw me off.

"Love. You have three seconds. Im serious right now", he snarls

I roll my eyes and keep moving in his hold

"1...2....3", POW! He picks me up and makes me stand, then proceeds to bend me over the table

His hand is on the back of my kneck and my face is smushed against the table, stomach on the table, and my ass in the air and against his figure behind me

"Aaow you bish", i mumble against the table cloth. At this point everyone has stopped eating and is staring at us

I make eye contact with the man whos plate of food is one inch away from my face, but yet still has some of my hair in it

"Im soewy for the inconveniensh shir", i can barely apologize with my fucking face smushed against this damn table like this.

Xavier then lifts my head toward him by my hair as he growls in my ear, FOR EVERYONE TO HEAR, "I have no problem fucking you in front of my men. You are pissing me off. Go sit the fuck down in your seat and stop acting like a child", then he just pushes my body onto the floor and i land on my ass

"Oww. Fucking Dick rod", i groan.
Not only does my ass hurt, but im sure i am blushing so hard that even my asshole is probably red

Im tired of this dude bullying me

I get up and roll my eyes as i mope back to my seat

All the men are going about their regular conversations and eating while i pretend not to be affected by what just happened

Everytime i look up from my food and glance at Xavier, hes already looking at me, causing me to blush.

Damn you, light complexion!

Eventually dinner is over and Taco guides me back to my room.

I would try to escape but I honestly dont hate it here, despite being bullied, i refuse to go back home to the brothers who got rid of me with literally no sympathy. My pride is too big to let my brothers know that what they did broke my heart.

I know they dont care because they haven't even attempted to rescue me, or contact me...

Well i wouldn't know if they tried to contact me, since i dont have my phone.

Anwaysss... i would

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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