Stoplights Turned Red: Moon

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I looked out the window as the car slows down. There I saw, infront of us, is a feeling I've never felt before. As the stoplights turned red, I knew from that moment that I'll never forget everything. Every small detail, every moment I stole with you, every petals that danced with the wind...

Everywhere I look, everywhere I see, is a sea of red in the form of stoplights. I thought it would flash before my eyes- gone after I blinked, after I opened my eyes again, but no. Everything was printed deep within my heart.

Looking beyond the lane of different land vehicles stretching far beyond the eyes could see, I've never felt so helpless before. Time has stopped. It's like Chronos is teasing me. That one moment as the sudden jolt of the brakes stretched on forever.

I chuckled as the music on the radio was about moving on. And look at the predicament I'm in! I smiled.

"Are you off to meeting your parents little miss?" The driver asked me. I was so surprised by him talking to me that I bumped my head a bit on the headrest.

"Oh! I'm sorry to startle you!"

"No, no, I'm just not used to..." I trailed off. I'm not used to people talking to me, unless it's an order or a question...

"And no, I'm off to meet my fate in this city." I told him as I scratched my nose out of habit.

"Hmm, I see... Speaking in riddles huh? And who might this 'fate' be?"

I smiled. He's trying to be friendly to me? Or is this to pass the time as the sea of red swallowed us whole?

"It's alright if you don't tell me! I'm just curious and all... But I'm not forcing tou to continue the conversation..."

Then why start it?


I smiled again.

"No it's fine. I'm just not used to talking."

I told him about the wind rolling down the fields, about the petals being carried away with the wind as well as the leaves that has fallen away from its roots. About the melodic swaying of the branches, the cold gentle winds caressing my face...

As the stoplights turned green, I felt the rush of the moving car. It has swept me up my feet. Time moved again. I felt a huge relief. But I know this won't go easily. I sighed.

"Wow miss. That's a really nice place you told me. I thought the 'fate' you're talking about is a person. Is that your dream?"

This 'fate' I'm talking about may or may not be a person. Depending on the situation I encounter, the 'fate' I'm looking for is somewhere far away from here. Is someone who will look after me. Will somehow make me forget of my circumstances...

"But first, I shall conquer thus current predicament!" I said with conviction. The driver chuckled.

"You're one weird miss. Are you by chance a writer? The way you speak, the way you answer and think... I can't help but imagine everything. You're good with describing words miss."

Is that a compliment? I think I blushed with that statement. Every one around me think I'm weird speaking in metaphors that they even thought of me as a 'girl from the 90's' with the way I talk. I never even thought of becoming a writer... Will I meet my 'fate' if I did?

"The traffic is heavier than usual... Did some accident happened again? Hopefully none..." The driver muttered to himself. This is not the usual?

But even so, we're slowly creeping along towards my first step to meeting my 'fate.'

"It might be a good hour or so before we're at the destination, miss. I hope it's fine? If you're in a rush, I could drop you off to the nearest train station." The driver offered.

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