Stoplights Turned Red: Sun

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I wasn't aware of it until today. This throbbing feeling, this weird feeling. What is it called? Why does my heart beat in a way I can't comprehend?

"So he did this weird back flip..." My sister was saying. She's really talkative about her class today. I wonder why was that?

"You know you can't show that weird back flip inside the car right?" I told her which ticked her.

"I know! I'm demonstrating with my fingers!" She made a peace sign pointed down and flipped it into one.

"And then?" He asked as he turned left.

"We're just amazed at how he executed it perfectly! Who would've thought the quiet little Ken can do stunts like that?" She said excitedly. "Then you remember the little girl, Lin?" She asked me. I just nodded.
"She's really good at writing! All my students are really quiet but they're burning with all kinds of talents! Who would've thought?! Then, this boy named Mingo, what an unusual name right? He can–"

I let her blabber and blabber, just barely understanding what she says. I can, but it just mostly passes by my head.

"Oh you mean that kid? Wow, I didn't even imagine!" I commented, really surprised with that kid whose name passed my head.

"I know! I'm so proud of my students. They're such cute little beings! And do you know what the parents tell me?

"Uh huh."

"That they come home crying and scared!"

The brakes suddenly stopped as if to highlight the surprise.

"Say what?!" He asked, surprised by the sudden red light and what my sister said.

She's completely pokerface.

"Yeah. They're scared... Afraid... As if they know something..."

I put my hands to my face. I know what's about to unfold.

"What?! What's happening Elena?" He asked, panicking.

Our mother was trying to keep her laughter. My sister is already poking that devilish smirk and me, just shaking my head.

"Elena? Tell me honey. What happened? You look scared too!"

I mentally counted,



"They saw it dad... They showed it to me..."

I could hear him gulping in my imagination.




"They... Saw it too..."

The sweat glands are coming down, I'm not sure if I'll laugh or reprimand my older sister.







A flash of red entered my vision, like popping flower petals in a fireworks fashion. Then when I came to, my sister is already laughing.


"WAAAHH!!! WAH! Wa... Wait..."

We bursted laughing. He is always so easy to tease and fun to prank. He just easily believes anything we say. It's still a wonder how he is not becoming a victim of scams.

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