Chapter 3: The Unknown New Kid..

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Skyler's POV: 

Well... That just happened. I just totally ran into the new kid. He is going to think i'm some freak, i'm defiantly not the best at first impressions. I am extremely awkward around men especially. Way back in 6th grade there was this new kid that every girl in middle school liked. I made it way to obvious that I liked him though. He turned out to be a complete moron. He ended up leaving the school after 8th grade because he said he felt "attacked" for his idiotic personality. 

"I-I'm so sorry! Its been a crazy week. I should have watched where I was going." I apologized. Before I could say another word he interrupted me.

"It's okay, don't worry about it, I shouldn't have been texting in a busy hallway!" He said. Who was this charming man? Most of the time when a girl runs into a guy, he ends up cussing her out. But he was different... It was a good kind of different though. He helped me pick up my books but before I could ask him what his name was, he was already walking towards his classroom.I didn't want to follow him, because it might be a little bit weird.. Unfortunately I only had one class a day with him. So the likely hood of me ever figuring out his name was little to none. Finally it was lunch break, Kendall was waiting outside my classroom for me. 

"Your professor must be evil. He kept you 10 minuets into lunch break!" Kendall said. I didn't even notice the time though. There was no way I could go back to the dorm to grab my lunch. 

"Ugh... That means were stuck eating cafeteria food.." I grumbled. The collage I was attending had the worst cafeteria food ever. We started slowly walking towards the cafeteria. Kendall broke the long awkward silence. 

"So! Anything weird or unusual happen this morning?" Kendall asked. Was I going to tell her what had happened this morning with the mysterious new kid? Hell yes, maybe she could get me information about him. Or maybe she knows him...?

"Yes, So first I was in Biology and there was this new kid. He was extremely quiet and didn't even reveal who he was.. But then after biology I was walking down the hallway to my English lecture, I was reading my schedule and totally walked right into him. My books went everywhere.." I was going to go on but Kendall interrupted me . 

"WHOA WHOA WAIT!!" She said grabbing my arm. "What did he say!? If he said anything to you I will beat him. Because over my dead body will someone disrespect you." She added. 

"Kendall, he actually didn't say anything. That was the point I was going to make before you interrupted me." I said. "He actually said that he was in the wrong. Its so rare for a guy to be as nice as he was. Especially in this school, because most guys here are stuck up two faced lairs." I added. She was standing there all bug eyed. She was most defiantly shocked. We slowly started walking again towards the cafeteria. Once we got to the big overcrowded room, Kendall and I got into line. I was almost disgusted at the look of the food. There was a weird macaroni salad which looked like it had been sitting out for hours. I walked slowly past the different salads, and grabbed a fruit cup and some yogurt with granola. When I got to the area where you get your cafeteria card punched, I couldn't help but notice I forgot my card. I was just about to put back my food when someone put down his card. 

"I got this one." He said. I glanced over and it was the guy I encountered in the hallway.  "Its on me today." He just smiled. Did that just happen!? I don't know what is so different about this guy, but this was so unusual. Kendall let out a little giggle, and waved me to go sit with him. I grabbed my food and waited for Kendall. 

"You want me to what?!" I murmured.

"Go sit with him Skyler!! He clearly has some feeling for you." She scolded. "You can't tell me someone who is just being nice pays for your lunch. NOW GO SIT WITH HIM!" She added. How in the world was I suppose to find him.. But then I remembered hes the new kid. So he's probably sitting alone on the south side of the cafeteria. 

"Fine.... But if this goes bad you owe me big time girl." I rolled my eyes. I started walking towards the south side of the cafeteria, and of course. He was sitting alone at the table. 

"Can I join you..?" I asked nervously. I was literally shaking inside. I'm not one hundred percent use to this single girl thing... 

"Y-yeah of course." He stuttered. I sat down on the bench across from him and set my tray down on the table. 

"Thanks for paying for my lunch.. I forgot my card at my dorm.. Ill pay you back tomorrow." I said nervously. I don't know why but this was extremely awkward.

"Oh no need to, i'm just glad I could help." He said. "Anyways where are you from?" He asked. Thank god he started the conversation because I don't think I could. 

"I'm originally from New York, I moved here 4 months ago for school. I'm really enjoying Nashville because NYC can get pretty crazy!" I laughed. "What about you? Where are you from" I asked. This conversation was actually getting easier to have. His diamond eyes sparkled with curiosity. 

"I'm actually from Boston, my parents moved to Oklahoma 4 years ago and a month ago I moved here to Nashville for school. Its always been my dream to live here, now its coming true." He smiled. We talked back and for about twenty minuets until we both had to leave for our next class. 

"Hey before you go, can I get your number?" He asked. 

"Yeah, of course!" I said as I wrote the number down on a piece of paper I ripped out of my notebook. I handed him the small piece of paper, which had my number and a note which said, "Thanks again for the conversation and the food. I really appreciate it, feel free to text or call me anytime!" Then I realized that yet again, I didn't ask for his name!  Every time I talk or get near him, I always forget to ask him what his name is!!! 

Later that day...

"Kendall!" I yelled when I got back to the dorm. "Did you ever find out that new kids name? You have like 3 classes with him." I added. I was literally on a mission to figure out what his name was.

"Nope, he sat at the back of the room alone." Kendall replied. "Did you not ask him his name at lunch?" She laughed. I don't blame her for laughing. It was indeed hilarious that I had a full on conversation with this guy, and didn't ask for his name once. 

"Ha-ha.. Nope didn't ask for his name! Sounds stupid but we got kinda busy talking about our childhoods" I laughed. It wasn't only my fault that I didn't know his name. He never "Formally" introduced himself. All I currently know is that he is nineteen, and where he grew up. He did tell me about his family, they seem amazing. They took the time to home school him throughout middle school, and they most defiantly raised a gentleman that respects people especially women. 

"So you know alot about him then, eh?" Kendall said. "Ooh, I see your in love!!!" She teased. My face flushed bright red. Man I hate when my emotions are shown on my face. Its so annoying. Well now Kendall knew I liked him. (Because I clearly do) But how could I like someone whose name hasnt been mentioned to me yet...?

"Kendall!" I said out of embarassment. "I Just met him girl! Plus. I dont even know his name. So how exactly could I like him?" I said trying to hide the fact that I really liked him.

"Oh come on Skyler!" She said putting her coffee cup down. "You know damn well you like him, and thats why your getting so defensive!" She added with a smerk on her face.

"Okay.. okay... Girl. I might like him. MIGHT. Im not going to say for sure though." I said. It was seven o'clock. I walked towards the bathroom to go have a shower when my phone buzzed. It was a message.. I quickly opened the message and was excited at what it had to say...

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