Chapter 4: Falling in love ❤

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Skyler's POV:

I looked down at the message on my phone, I didn't notice the number. Could it be him? I swiped left on the message to view it and the message said.. "Hey, it's me from the Cafeteria." Quickly I replied saying "Hey, nice to hear from you! I know this is going to sound weird, but what is your name? You never told me it at lunch earlier." I hit send. My heart was pounding. I sat in the bathroom with my back against the door waiting for his reply. Fifteen minuets later he finally replied saying: "Ooh! I totally forgot to tell you sorry! I'm Leo. Now that you know my name what's yours?" He asked. I quickly replied telling him what my name was. His name was Leo! I have always loved the name Leo! Especially because my astronomical sign is Leo. Could he be my soulmate??

"Kendall!!!" I yelled from behind the bathroom door. I'm pretty sure that I scared her, because she bolted to the bathroom.

"Skyler?! Are you okay!?" She panicked. Yep.. I defiantly scared her. I let out a silent laugh. Its absolutely hilarious when Kendall gets scared. 

"Kendall I'm fine, but great news! He texted me!" I said in excitement. I could hear her let out a long sigh from behind the bathroom door.

"Thank God Skyler... You scared me." She sighed again. "Whats his name? Or did you not ask yet?" She laughed. I kinda rolled my eyes behind the door so she couldn't see the attitude I was giving.

"NO I didn't ask for his name Kendall." I said in a sarcastic tone. "Yes. I asked for his name girl! His name is Leo." I laughed. As if I wouldn't ask for his name after hours of wondering who he was. Now that I knew I could move on with life in a calm collective matter. Right?

Kendall's POV:

Skyler is such a sass queen! I love her to bits and this sass is making me love her more! No homo tho, I've always seen Skyler as my sister. She always has been there for me since the first day we moved in together. Nothing or no one could change the bond me and her have. Its nice to see her away from Daxton. I know, it sounds cruel to think like that but really.. I've seen things that Chloe hasn't. Daxton hasn't always been"Mr. Prince Charming" he tends to get very mentally abusive at time's. I remember when Daxton came over the one time, he didn't know I was home, but what I heard him say to Skyler made me hate him with a passion. 


"What is seriously wrong with you!?" Daxton screamed. "You know that could have cost me my reputation!?!" He added. I hid behind my bedroom door hoping and praying he wouldn't slap Skyler. 

"Don't you talk to me like that!" Skyler screamed. "You might talk to your friends like that but you will never talk to me like that!"  She yelled. I heard footsteps walking towards the kitchen where Skyler was standing. 

"You listen to me, just because your a spoiled rotten brat who was never disciplined as a child, does NOT give you have any right to disrespect me." Daxton hollered. I felt helpless behind the bedroom door. I didn't know if Skyler was safe physically or not. I decided there was only one way to stop this argument. Luckily our dorm is on the main floor which meant my window wasn't far from the ground. I climbed out the window, walked around the main building and back to the dorm entrance. I made sure my keys made a loud noise so that Daxton could hear me come in. 

"Skyler, I'm back from lunch with Kayla!" I made sure I said it good and loud. I heard Skyler walk towards her room and of course I saw Daxton. Ugh I wished I could stab him at that moment. The way he treated Skyler was unacceptable. She deserves way better then that scumbag. 

"H-hey Kendall.." Daxton said hoping I didn't hear anything. 

"Hey Daxton. Why did Skyler take off to her room so sudden?" I asked. He looked kind of puzzled for a second but did I care? Not one bit. There was a long pause. Then he found his "excuse".

"Oh uh she isn't feeling well, she asked me to get her some Tylenol from the pharmacy." He said. "Hey, I gotta go my parents are coming down for a visit this evening. So I better head back.. See ya later..." He added. The funny thing about what he said is, his parents don't ever come to visit him. They live 5 states over, so why would they come down to Nashville for one evening...?

End Of Flashback...

I couldn't imagine how Skyler felt when he said all that stuff to her... I know if any man treated me like that I would be doing much more then just yelling at him... And in a way I feel bad for Chloe, because she doesn't know the mess she is getting herself into. If she hasn't already experienced some of his arrogance.. I hope for her sake he has changed, but I am very doubtful that he has changed... 

A little later that evening...

"Hey Skyler, you want some nachos?" I said pulling the hot pan of nachos out of the oven. The dorms here were different then at most collages. Each dorm was more like a apartment. Our dorm had 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and a full kitchen. Each dorm was shared by two people. But, there was never a such thing as boy sharing dorms with girls. It was always girls with girls, and vice versa. It was a smart move on the schools behalf to prevent girls from getting raped or becoming pregnant. 

"Did you say nachos!?!?!" Skyler said excitedly. "Get me a plate!" she added. Skyler is in love with any type of Mexican food. That night we both enjoyed binge watching The Good Place on Netflix. If you haven't noticed yet, Skyler and I love Netflix. Its cheaper then regular TV and has most of the shows we both love. Before I moved in with Skyler I paid 60 dollars a months for TV services, being a student it was hard to pay 60 dollars a month on top of food and my phone bill. So when Skyler suggested that we get Netflix instead of regular TV I was thrilled at the idea that it was only fourteen dollars a month.  

Skyler's POV:

I freaking love having Kendall as a roommate! She makes amazing nachos to which is a like such a plus!!! I couldn't imagine my life without her right now, she has been the one keeping my head held high during that past few weeks. 

The Next Day At Lunch Break...

I've waited for Kendall outside of the girl's washroom for almost ten minuets now. I finally decided to walk into the washroom and what is she doing. Her makeup! Here I was wondering if she was okay or not, and she was just touching up her makeup!!

"Kendall, what are you doing?" I asked. "Ooh! I know what your doing! You have a date?!" I teased. Kendall has been single since I met her. To be honest, I don't know if she has ever even had a boyfriend... 

"Yes actually I am. How do I look?" She said with a smirk on her face. Did I just hear that right!? Kendall Mendoza has a boyfriend!!??

"EEK!!! Girl! That's awesome!" I screeched. "Who is this guy?!" I asked. I had to meet this guy. If he is going to date my best friend I need to make sure hes just as amazing as she is!

"His name is...." 

. . . 

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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