Where to go?

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"Yo! Iggy! Dude, I should totally visit you, are you free?" The obnoxious voice blared through the phone. England sighed. He already had too much on his plate without worrying about the loudmouth American invading his personal space and causing havoc.
"No America, I'm not free, I have important stuff to do, and don't call me Iggy!!!" England said.
"Aww, come on dude, you can't be that busy," England sighed heavily again. Why couldn't America bother someone else? That's it!
"Why don't you try going to somewhere like Australia, or New Zealand, they're never busy and I bet you haven't visited them in years," good one England, send him to the other side of the planet.
"Oh yeah! I haven't visited New Zealand in years, thanks Iggy!" America called throughout the phone.
"Don't call me Iggy!!!" But America had already put the phone down. England sat thinking. He felt like he'd forgotten something important, what was it? Oh well it'll come to me later, he thought. But he should have thought harder. Because what he had forgotten was the date, the date in New Zealand was the 23nd by the time America got to the country it would be the day before ANZAC day and the last thing that New Zealand wanted was the obnoxious America there to interrupt the time of the year they remembered. But he didn't think harder.
He just forgot.

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