Uninvited unexpeced and unwanted.

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America's POV

"Man New Zealand is gonna be so surprised when he sees me. I hope he doesn't mind an early rise," I laughed at that. When I'd got off my private jet it was 11:45 am. It'd taken 30 minutes to get to New Zealand's house just outside Wellington. I got out of the car and ran up the steps. I knocked on the door and waited. What surprised me was that a few seconds later New Zealand opened the door. He was dressed in full uniform and it looked like he hadn't slept.

"Dude, are you ok?".

New Zealand's POV

I hadn't had any sleep all night. I'd gotten maybe 5 minutes in then woke up due to nightmares. By 12 am I decided to abandon sleep and get ready. After a long shower I got into my uniform and pinned a poppy to my shirt. Looking in the mirror I sighed and thought back to my nightmares. I was back on the battlefield, surrounded by the dead. Australia was beside me and we were staring out at all the death. Suddenly Turkey was there. He drew his sword and before either of us could react Australia was lying on the ground, clutching his stomach. There was nothing I could do. I was routed to the spot as he bleed out in front of me. After that Turkey turned to me. His sword sliced through the air. That's when I'd wake up in a cold sweat. I got the same nightmare each year. A loud knock on my door broke through my musing. Who could that be? Everyone should still be asleep. It's only 12:15 am. I walked up to the door, opened it and saw a very unexpected sight. There on my front doorstep was America. He looked at me. His smile dissolved into a frown.

"Dude, are you ok?" I stood there in shock. What was he doing here? Of all days today.

"Dude, you gonna answer?" I snapped out of my thought and nodded to America.

"I'm fine, what are you doing here?" He looked taken aback by my bluntness.

"Well, I just wanted to visit, you sure you're ok?" I grunted in response and opened the door for him. He walked in without a second thought. He looked around and noticed that my house was full of red.

"What's with all the red dude, thought you were more into green," I sighed. He had no idea what day it was.

"Tomorrow's ANZAC day," I said simply.

"What's that supposed to mean? All New Zealanders Act Crazy day?" He laughed a bit, but stopped when my fist collided with his nose.

"What was that for?!" He yelled.

"It stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps," I growled. America paled.

America's POV

I walked through the door and was assaulted with red. There were red flowers everywhere.

"What's with all the red dude, thought you were more into green," I asked. New Zealand sighed.

"Tomorrow's ANZAC day," he said like I should know what it means.

"What's that supposed to mean? All New Zealanders Act Crazy day?" I asked trying to lighten the mood, but suddenly New Zealand punched me in the face. I felt blood gush from my nose

"What was that for?!" I yelled.

"It stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps," he growled quietly. I froze. Shit.

"Oh, sorry dude, I didn't know," he growled again and pointed towards the door.

"Get out," was all he had to say and I was gone. I sprinted out the door to my car and speed away.

To say I felt shit would be an understatement. Once I stopped I sighed. I suddenly felt really angry. Yeah right England. They're not busy my ass. I got out my phone and dialled England's number.

"Hello Kirkland resistance," he said formally.

"You fucking ASSHOLE!!!! They're not busy my fucking ass!!!!" I exploded.

"What do you want America?" he asked.

"Does ANZAC day ring a bell to you?" After those words I heard his phone hit the floor. A muffled

"No," came through the line. I waited till I heard him pick the phone up again.

"So you forgot did you, now I have a broken nose because of you," I said.

"New Zealand punched you?" England asked. I sighed.

"Yeah, I insulted ANZAC day because I didn't know what it was, now I feel like absolute shit, I wish I could make it up to him," I sighed again. Me and my stupid mouth.

"Wait, but isn't ANZAC day tomorrow? What happened?" England seemed confused.

"He had his house all decorated with red flowers," I was cut off by England.

"Poppies, they were poppies," he said.

"Well ok, his house was decorated with poppies, I asked why and he said that tomorrow was ANZAC day. I asked what that meant and tried to make a joke about it, then he punched me and kicked me out, I really do want to make it up to him," I said earnestly.

"How about you make a wreath and go to the dawn service," England suggested. I thought for a moment.

"That's actually an ok idea, hey, dude, you should come too, you did kinda start this whole thing," he sighed.

"Yeah I guess I should," he said finally. I suddenly had an idea.

"Hey why don't we all come?" I said.

"What? Who the allies?" I shook my head, but then realised he couldn't see me.

"Nah, how bout we get all the countries together and get them to all make a wreath, I'll get Japan and Italy in, they could convince Germany and then they could get others and then we could all lay the wreaths at the dawn service," England seemed to ponder the idea.

"I'm in, I'll get the frog in and possibly Russia," I smiled.

"Let's do this!!! Talk to you later Iggy, got some phone calls to make," before England could complain about his nickname I hung up and dialled Japan's number.

"Herro," came the groggy answer.

"Hey Japan, dude I have a favour to ask you, see I'm in New Zealand and tomorrow is ANZAC day, I was wondering if you could make a wreath and bring it to the dawn service tomorrow?" I asked. Japan was quiet for quite sometime and I thought he may have gone back to sleep.

"Ok, I'rr do it," he said

"Great, thanks man and also, can you convince China to make one as well and anyone else you can, then ask them to get someone else to make one?" I asked.

"You mean rike a chain reaction?" He asked. I smiled.

"Yeah! Exactly dude! Can you do that?" We'd have the entire globe making wreaths in no time.

"Ok, I wirr do it," I smiled even more.

"Just don't tell New Zealand or Australia, well I got to make some more calls, see ya tomorrow at dawn," with those last words I hung up. Now to call Italy.

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