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After waking up and getting dressed. Eddy decided to treat Brett to bubble tea, as a sorry gift.

He was more than thrilled when they entered the cafe, Eddy went to order while Brett went to their regular spot.

After all that, they went to Brett's place.

"Yo, I got an idea." Eddy said
"Hmm?" Brett asked.

"What if we go stargazing tonight? I know where to go!" Eddy said as a statement and a question at the same time.
"Sure, that sounds like fun!"

As they waited and waited, time seemed to go slower and slower. Even practicing couldn't pass time.

Finally the time came.
As Eddy drove, Brett was wondrous about where they were going. As they pulled into the closet parking area, they now had to walk a while.

After about 10 minutes of walking they both became tired.
"How much longerrr" Brett said, slurring on his words.

"Not too much" Eddy said, determined to get there before it gets too dark.

After barely one more minute they arrived at the top
of a hill, not a single cloud in sight.

"Wow, when did you learn to find stargazing places?" Brett asked as he looked up at the sky, and amazed at how plain it was.

"I don't know, I just knew about this place." Eddy responded as he put a blanket down and sat down.

After a few moments they were both just sitting there, quietly, in the dark just enjoying each other.

The first star came and they only knew there were many more to come. Like how a friendship starts as something small, and under the right circumstances can become an entire night sky, dazzling with beauty and happiness, that's what they had become.

It wasn't long before they lied down, holding hands. The sky was filled was stars, beauty everywhere.

"I think I figured out what it means to need someone, but I'm not sure." Eddy said, after long moments of silence.

"Oh yeah? What is it?" Brett responded, interested in what he had said.

"Like a feeling that you can't get rid of telling you that you need them, and if something bad happens you're hurt more then you normally would be. If they're gone you feel like nothing." Eddy said.

"Hmm.. wow.. that's deep, but could be right.." Brett said after thinking about it.

After time passed and it was extremely late, they both headed back to Brett's place and fell asleep peacefully.

Weather Eddy had been right or not was not the problem now, it was finding out the answer to a simple question about one another that they would ask soon.

Do I need him in my life or do I want him?

A/U/// Sorry it's short :|

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