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The woman did not look happy to see them

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The woman did not look happy to see them. She frowned angrily at them, her eyes filled with displeasure. Jungkook didn't remember seeing her quite so mad last time.

"Why are you guys here again?"

Namjoon stepped forward.

"I... we wanted to get some more information about Dang Seung. This is the only place that we could think of coming to."

The woman smiled. It was weird, Jungkook remembered seeing that smile earlier. Maybe he'd seen this woman somewhere before? He couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Please, have you any idea where he is, at least? This was the address that he was last at?" Namjoon asked.

When Jungkook glanced at Yoongi, there was a look of mild annoyance on his face. Yoongi still didn't appreciate the fact that they were doing this.

"I don't know what you're talking about," the woman repeated.

Jimin suddenly gasped. Jungkook glanced at him in confusion, until he followed his gaze to the distant staircase inside the house. The style of walking, the clothing, the height, the build, everything matched up. That man was undoubtedly Dang Seung. So he was here. The woman was purposefully trying to conceal him. They were working together. Jungkook struggled to conceal his anger.

The woman glanced at him. He saw the worry in her gaze.

"What is it?"

Jimin snapped out of his stupor as quickly as he had fallen into it. He smiled. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a tiny notepad and pen.

"Can you write me a note? I just need the address for that records building that you were talking about last time. I'm not sure if we went to the right place last time," he said.

The woman huffed. "Is it my problem if you can't follow directions properly?"

Jimin didn't flinch. "Please. We just need to find him."

He was right behind her. Jungkook could see him lurking around. He didn't know if the others could see him or not. But when he glanced at Yoongi, even his eyes were wide. They had all noticed Dang Seung.

Finally, the woman took the paper. She scribbled an address out. It didn't even look like the correct one. Jungkook had no idea why Jimin even needed it - it was probably a cover-up to hide his surprise.

Jungkook nudged Jimin, who only shook his head.

"We need to find it," he only said. When Jungkook tried to give him a confused glance, he looked past him.

"That's all we needed, thank you," Namjoon said. He was also confused, but unlike Jungkook, he knew how to go with the flow.

They turned to leave. The door slammed shut in their faces.

"What was that for?" Taehyung asked when they had walked far enough away so nobody could hear them. They milled around a park bench.

Jimin shook his head again. He wordlessly took out the original note that they had gotten from the police so long ago when Jin had first gotten beat up. It seemed like a lifetime ago. Jimin carried it everywhere he went. He lined up the two pieces of paper next to each other.

The letters were slanted differently. One was obviously written with more care. The pen ink was different. But there was no doubt about it: the handwriting was clearly the same. The same woman who had beat Jin up was the same one they had been talking to.

"I'm not surprised," Jimin mumbled. "I had this bad feeling. When I saw him too, I knew."

"How did you..." Yoongi asked. He glanced at all of them in turn. "I can't believe she walked right into our trap."

"Maybe she thought we wouldn't be able to tell?" Namjoon asked.

"Maybe we could be making a big mistake and they are totally different people anyway," Hoseok asked. "How are you so sure anyway? My mom and my sister's handwriting are very similar. They loop their letters the same way."

"No, but look!" Taehyung said. He pointed to the paper. "It's the same. Or too close to not be suspicious. It raises some questions, don't you think? Also, don't forget that Dang Seung was literally right there!"

Hoseok shrugged. He was the only one who looked utterly disinterested.

"What should we do now?" Yoongi asked.

"I say that we go back to the house and ask again. Pretend like we're lost. Get him to come out and talk to us," Jungkook said.

"That is the worst idea I have ever-"

Hoseok's words were ignored.


This time, it wasn't the woman that opened the door.

The door creaked open and suddenly, Dang Seung's face came into view. Jungkook trembled silently and gulped.

Dang Seung was armed. A gun glinted at his side.


714 words

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