~Clear Of Mind~

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~Omega One~

Awakening on the couch, Tyrn sat up as he sighed and stretched.

"Good morning Guardian." Optimus spoke as Tyrn turned to the vigilant leader.

"Good morning Optimus, what time is it?" Tyrn asked.

"4 in the morning, I am surprised you do not sleep in, as Miko puts it." Optimus replied.

"Not for this Guardian, is there somewhere I can train?" Tyrn questions as Optimus points to the elevator.

His armor appeared, walking along the catwalk as Optimus turns to him.

"I pray that you are well, Guardian." He speaks softly as the Titan enters the elevator, reaching the top of the base.

"Ryn, do we have any weapons besides the Chaperone?" Tyrn asks as the familiar triangle Ghost appeared.

"Usually you sleep till 6, and I was able to grasp half of your inventory and a ship." Ryn replied.

"And you tell me now? After I had to sleep on that itchy couch?" Tyrn groans as Ryn sighs.

"You've been sleeping in that hunk of junk for years, I thought you'd enjoy the softness of a couch." Ryn spoke as Tyrn frowns.

"You know I can't afford the luxury, Guardians can't ever relax for a second." Tyrn said.

"I think this little accident could be considered a gift. The Light works in mysterious ways." Ryn says as Tyrn walks to the edge, enjoying the view for a while before the the horizon began to glow.

"I've, never really seen a sunrise this peaceful, usually some Dregs like to get in the way." Tyrn smiles lightly as Ryn summons the Bite of The Fox.

"I figured you wanted to measure your skills." Ryn smirks as Tyrn kneels and aims the sniper down range.

"100 meters out, 68 knots." Tyrn speaks as he aims at a cactus.

"Fire when ready." Ryn replied as Tyrn squeezes the trigger, an almost silent but loud shot fires, exploding the cactus.

"Not bad, guess I still got it. But snipers were never my thing, I know it was Erys's thing and swords." Tyrn frowns at the memory of his friend.

"I always wondered what happened between you and Erys, she was an excellent Hunter." Ryn says as his sniper disappears.

"I wonder that too." Tyrn said before the door opened as Arcee came up.

"Good morning Arcee." Tyrn said, glancing over to see the fembot smile lightly.

"Heard a gunshot, thought maybe you were taking out Cons." She smirks as he chuckles lightly.

"No, just reminiscing." He replied as Arcee sat next to him.

"It takes a warrior to know how another feels." She said.

"I suppose, but a Guardian can never relax for too long." Tyrn frowns as Arcee grimaced.

"I know that frown, it certainly speaks a thousand words." Tyrn sighs before standing as the sun began to rise over Jasper.

"Sometimes, I wish peace on Earth could happen for my world." He spoke as Black Talon appeared in his hand.

"Quite the blade, certainly more colorful than mine." Arcee praises as her arm blade pops out of her wrist.

"Care to spar a human?" Tyrn asks as he twirls Talon and strikes a stance.

Autobot GuardianTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon