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"So Maha, I heard you got a new Economics professor." Mom says casually, as I help her clear the dinner table.

"So you did." I reply apathetically.

"Why didn't you tell me who it is?"

I shrug. "Sorry. Wasn't really at the top of my list."

"I stumbled into Rayman at the convenience store this morning."

"So you did."

"It was good to see him. He's become all matured and gentlemanly, that boy." Mom says, oblivious to my disinterest, while we scrape the leftovers into Tupperware containers.

"Uh huh." I say, halfheartedly.

"I invited him for dinner tomorrow."

"So you did." Then I pause amid putting the containers in the fridge. "Wait, you did what?"

"I invited-"

"Oh, I heard you the first time."

Mom frowns. "Why are you snapping at me?"

"It's hard enough having to see him almost every single day. Why would you..?" I shut the refrigerator door and sigh. "Oh, never mind. This is your house. You can invite whoever. I'll just be at Tan's."

"No, you won't." Mom says firmly. "I know Rayman reminds you of Wissam, Maha. But what happened to Wissam was probably as hard on him as it was on you. You know what Rayman told me? Wissam was like the brother he never had."

"Oh, I'm sure." I reply dryly. "So what, are you suggesting we bond over our mutual loss?"

"I want you two to get to know each other better." Mom says slowly, as though talking to a child. "Think about it. The two people Wissam was closest to being together. Don't you think Wissam would've been delighted?"

My eyebrows furrow and I feel slightly peeved.

"Together?" A derisive, incredulous laugh escapes my lips. "So it's less of a dinner and more of a future son-in-law confab. Is that what it is?"

Mom takes my choice of words in stride. "Is it so wrong of me to try to find a good husband for you? You're of age, and it's time we address the subject of marriage. It's not like I'm trying to force you to be with Rayman. All I'm asking is for you to feel him out. What's the worst that can happen?"

"He's my professor!"

"Well, not for long! You're graduating in a few months." Mom places her hand on my shoulder and adds in a gentler tone, "Is there a reason you are so against the idea of being with him?"

"I just don't like him that way."

"Are you sure?" Mom looks at me intently.

"What do you mean?"

"What if you don't like him that way because you haven't tried or had the chance to really know him?" Mom takes a rag and wipes a blob of gravy from the countertop. "You used to trust Wissam's judgement, didn't you? Why do you think he liked Rayman?"


"Maha, no two people can be forced together if they aren't meant to be. Do you think I don't know that? If Rayman's not the guy for you, then he's not. End of story."

My shoulders sag from exhaustion and Mom must've thought I've relaxed because she says, "I'll clean up the rest. You can go to your room and do an assignment or something."

"I think I'll just go to bed." I say, feigning greater fatigue than I'm actually feeling.

"That bed of yours is going make a man mad jealous one day." I hear mom say, as I traipse out of the kitchen, grinning.

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