That Café Guy

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She was sitting at a café. It was slightly drizzling out there. The raindrops on the glass raced each other while she was writing in her diary. The hot brewing coffee in front of her and that specific aroma you feel in a café surrounded her. Her batman headphones playing "inn faaslon ka ye faisla kyun dil ne mere kar liya.." and soothing her.

The aroma showed changes when she was hit by the scent that reminded her of him. It was then she realized someone taking a seat in front of her. His hair was all wet and messy from rain. His white shirt all drenched in rain revealing his sheer perfect chest. His shirt not meeting his jeans when he had bent giving a peek to his well-structured abs. His 6.2" height blocking her view behind him. His glasses all foggy, his black eyes glistening. She was too busy noticing him that she didn't realize him saying something until he waved his hands in front of her.

"Sorry? I wasn't paying attention." She said with embarrassment lacing her face.

"Figured." He spoke. And damn, was it sexy! It had been years since she heard that voice, it wasn't him, but so much like him!

"I just asked if I could sit here? As you can see the place is already crowded and the rain won't let me go home without being sick. Also, I don't really know where I will find a cab, I am new here. Sorry, I am speaking too much, ain't I?" He said with a shy smile playing on his lips showing off his dimples.

"No. It's absolutely fine. I mean, I get it. Make yourself feel comfortable. Should I order something for you?" She asked politely.

"Yeah, one espresso, please?" He said in a husky voice.

"Right." She went on and placed the order for him.

He was about to lend her the money when she said:

"It's fine. It's on the house today." She said with a smile.

"Oh really? That's great." He sighed.

He rubbed his hands for warmth. He cleaned his glasses and put them back on.

"Excuse me?" He asked looking straight into her eyes. It was then she realized that she had spaced out again. The habit, she could never get rid of.

"You space out a lot you know." He said in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Uhm, yeah I know, sorry." She said.

"It's okay. It looks cute on you with all those glasses, a high knot bun, a pen twirling between your fingers, the coffee craving your attention, yet you stay in your own world, enjoying it. That's cute." He said as if it was too normal for him to compliment or to describe a girl to herself.

Her eyes went wide with the astonishment of his bluntness.

"Ohkay?" She said not knowing what else to reply.

"Sorry. I know I speak a lot. But, why should I miss the chance of impressing such an attractive girl?" He said with a playful smile, yet again revealing his dimples.

"Okay slow down there buddy." She said and pointing him his coffee that had arrived.

She gestured the waiter to go when he was about to place the bill.

"You said it was on the house today?" He asked in confusion.

"It is. I will pay." She said with a smile.

"But? I don't get it?" He asked.

"It's mine. The cafe is mine." She said.

"Oh. But why would you pay for me?" He asked.

"Well, why would I miss such a good opportunity to have a date with such a hot guy?" She said with a playful smile.

And this time, it was he who was astounded, his wide eyes and speechless reaction made her laugh, like really laugh, a full-blown laugh, after years. Who knew, even after years, it would be someone who resembles him who makes her feel alive again.

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