Chapter Three

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A/N ~ Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in a while but I've been flat out with school work. The next chapters will be full with drama and hopefully alot of feels :) I love all the feedback you guys are commenting and it literally makes my day when I read it! If you have any negative comments don't be afraid to comment that aswell! I need to know what to improve on! I hope you guys really like this chapter. :)


Niall was sitting at a table with another girl. Niall was staring into her eyes intently. I was about to turn around and walk out the door when Niall got up from his seat and stared at me. The girl he was sitting with turned to look at me. She was absolutely gorgeous! Chocolate brown eyes with wavy brown hair caressing her face. She was perfect.

"Faith, it's-" Niall started. But I cut him off.

"Don't worry Niall. It's fine! I get it, you have millions of pretty girls chasing after you. Why would you choose me?" I said to him. I could feel the tears burning my cheeks.

"Faith. You don't get it. She's my-" But I didn't listen to what he had to say. I turned out of the building and ran. I didn't know where I was running to, nor did I care. I just wanted to get far, far away from everyone and everything.

I was running out of breath because I've been running for about 15 to 20 minutes now.  I stumbled across a wide open space with pretty trees and gorgeous flowers. It was nice and calm and no one was there. It seemed like the perfect place to just sit and rest and wait for my anger to suppress. I took off my jacket and sat down on it. I layed down and closed my eyes and was at peace before someone rudely awoke me.

I looked up to stare right into the familiar ocean blue eyes. It was Niall.

"Look Faith, let me explain. That girl, she's my best friend from before I was famous. We never get to see eachother and she was in the country so we decided to catch up. I'm sorry Faith. You're an amazing girl and when I first saw you I've never taken a second glance at another girl. I don't know what it is about you but....You're just...Amazing."

I was speechless. The Niall Horan just said I'm amazing. He called me amazing!

"T-thank you. I'm sorry for over reacting before. I should've listened to you" I managed to stutter out. I could feel my cheeks burning up.

"It's okay Faith. I would've reacted the same way."

"So I guess our little date is off then?" I say to him.

"Who said that? I had alot planned for today, I'm not going to let one little thing ruin it," Niall said, a smirk forming on his face.

Well this should be fun!


I know this chapter is REALLY short but I didn't really have that much time to write because I have to do homework now. So I hope you guys like it!

Peace, Love, Rubber Gloves <3

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