I Don't Dance Without You

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"Hey, Anna, have you seen Elsa?" Worry embraced Honeymaren's features as she looked up to the Queen of Arendelle. She had a glass of champagne in her hand as she looked upon her people in the ballroom celebrating her coronation. "I don't actually know. She should be here." Honeymaren huffed and was about to continue her search, but Anna stopped her. "Wait, Honeymaren. Come here please." The said Northuldran woman strolled back towards the queen and stood by her side. "You look beautiful in that dress; it suits you. I'm sure once my sister arrives, she'll be smitten by you." A blush crept up on the young woman's tanned face as Anna smirked at her. "Do you think I'm unaware of your feelings towards my sister? I see the way you two look at each other; there's definitely something there." Anna touched Honeymaren's shoulder and studied her brown eyes. "Ever since my sister came out as a lesbian, loads of women in the kingdom have thrown themselves at her whenever they have the chance. There have been the odd few occasions where my sister has just touched their shoulder, looked at them, or very rarely she'll wink at them. I've never seen women fall as hard for a man ever compared to Elsa; they swoon over her."

Anna searched the crowd along with Honeymaren from where they stood near the throne. The brunette suddenly rubbed her hands together as Anna smirked. "Is it just me or has the temperature dropped?" The young queen looked over at the Northuldran woman. "That would be my sister."

Suddenly, an Arendellian servant announced that someone had walked in and everyone stopped to look at the doors. "Her Royal Highness, Princess Elsa of Arendelle." Her platinum blonde hair in a tight bun; she wore black boots, white trousers, a jacket with Arendelle's colours and white gloves. Women blushed as she walked through the crowd, hiding their blushed faces behind glasses of champagne or fans. Honeymaren's palms became sweaty as Elsa edged closer. "Well, you're definitely pulling the ladies, aren't you?" Elsa smirked as she held hands behind her back. "Apparently so, however, I'm not sure what they can see?"

Honeymaren faced the Fifth Spirit and held her hands nervously. "I can see why ladies swoon over you." Elsa smirked and stepped a little closer to Honeymaren. "Well, hello to you too, Honey." The said woman blushed at the name and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Spirits, she's gorgeous. Elsa couldn't help but feel warm; Honeymaren looked stunning in her dress. Anna nudged her lovestruck sister and nodded at the dance floor discreetly. Elsa stood proudly, trying to disregard any nervousness that was holding on tightly to her form. "Honeymaren, would you like to join me for a dance?" Honeymaren sweated slightly as Elsa placed her gloved hand just in front of Honeymaren's hand. "I thought you didn't dance." The Northuldran smiled and slowly placed her hand in Elsa's as the Figth Spirit escorted her to the dance floor. "I thought I'd make an exception tonight." Elsa smiled and studied Honeymaren's features as she felt her heart pound in her chest.

The brunette felt daggers in her back a she felt women staring at her for being able to get so close to Elsa. Slow music erupted the ballroom as Elsa placed a gentle hand around Honeymaren's waist and the smaller woman followed suit and placed one hand on the royal's shoulder and the pair held hands as Elsa guided Honeymaren into the dance. A blush erupted Honeymaren's face as she slowly realised what position they were in and she started to feel warm; her heartbeat was beating so quickly and heavily; it's a wonder how Elsa didn't feel it.

Elsa pulled Honeymaren even closer; their faces were only inches away. "From the moment we first met, Elsa, I can't get you out of my head. You're beautiful, intelligent and kind-hearted." The former queen felt Honeymaren's warm breath on her skin, she felt even warmer than before. Elsa smirked. "Well, Honey, I've noticed the way you stare at me. I see the way you blush when you see me." Honeymaren fell silent as the Spirit smiled.

Suddenly, Elsa pressed her cold lips onto Honeymaren's warm ones. Gasps were heard from the crowd; Anna raised a hand to her mouth. "Okay, I did not expect that to come from Elsa." Honeymaren fell into the kiss as she felt Elsa draw her closer. However, much to brunette's dismay, her kisser pulled away and whispered into her warm ear. "Meet me in the garden once the party's over." She felt Elsa's cool breath on her ear and she blushed once again; Elsa smirked and strolled off towards her sister despite gaining stares from the crowd.

"Woah. Elsa, I didn't expect you to do that. You were so full of confidence." Anna laughed at her flustered sister; Elsa took a glove off and placed a hand on her neck to cool herself down. "Yeah, me neither." The duo laughed as they spotted Honeymaren trying to swim through the crowd of jealous women. "I think ladies know to stay away from me now. My heart's always been set on Honey." Anna punched her sister's softly. "You big softie."

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