Chapter Ten

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Jer closed his mouth and looked around the bedroom hallway to see if anyone else was around.

Of course no one's around, idiot. You know four of them are outside and one's meeting with MK, Aimee, and Melissa. Just go and see what MJ is doing in Samuel and Jimmy's room.

As quietly as he could, Jer walked into Samuel and Jimmy's bedroom. He felt weird entering. He'd only been in there two times before. One was to borrow a shirt from Jimmy and another time was to get advice from Samuel about rapping.

Min-joon was startled when he saw Jer come inside the room.

"Jesus, Jer," Min-joon took a deep breath. "You scared me. I thought you were Jimmy for a second."

"What are you doing in here? I saw you sneak in," Jer whispered for no good reason.

"I'm here to get evidence that points to Samuel being Hyun-woo's killer," Min-joon whispered back. "Also," Min-joon's voice returned to its normal volume, "There's no reason to whisper, Jer. No one's around to hear us."

"Right," Jer said, looking around. "But I'm confused. Why are you in here? Didn't you get evidence on Samuel yesterday?"

"No," Min-joon said so quietly Jer almost didn't hear him. "I didn't."

Jer narrowed his eyes at Min-joon. "But that doesn't make any sense. Brandon told me that after you ended the party, you said something to Samuel and the two of you went to the bedroom wing together. So, didn't you continue do the interrogation plan here in the bedrooms?"

Min-joon sighed loudly. "I...I tried, Jer. Okay? But Samuel...things went wrong and the interrogation process didn't go work out like I hoped it would. Honestly, ever since you passed out, things haven't been going like I hoped it would."

Jer looked at the floor sadly. "MJ, I—"

"Save your apology," Min-joon interrupted. "None of this is your fault. Even if you didn't get drunk and faint, there was no guarantee that Samuel would have cracked. Our focus now needs to be finding physical evidence," Min-joon began to move around Samuel's side of the shared bedroom. "Samuel is a writer. Not only does he write songs and raps, but he writes his thoughts and feelings. I know for a fact that he has a journal that he writes in pretty regularly. I'm hoping that if we find and read his journal—"

"He would have written something about Hyun-woo's murder!" Jer snapped his fingers upon realizing Min-joon's plan.

"Exactly," Min-joon half-smiled. "I'll start looking near Samuel's bed and nightstand. You start looking around his desk and bookshelves."

"I'm on it!" Jer exclaimed as he sat down at Samuel's desk and started carefully going through the drawers.

Only thirty seconds into the duo's search, Min-joon exclaimed, "I found it!"

Jer quickly but carefully closed Samuel's second desk drawer and ran over to wear Min-joon stood near Samuel's bed. "Dang, MJ! That was so fast!"

"I'll see if Samuel wrote anything that incriminates him in here. You stand watch by the door just in case someone comes this way," Min-joon said as flipped through the journal's many pages.

"Okay," Jer said as he closed the door nearly all the way then peaked though the sliver of the open crack.

For a while, Jer heard nothing but the turning of pages and saw nothing but the empty hallway. When that long while turned into five minutes, he wanted to ask Min-joon how it was going. But after Jer turned away from the door and saw Min-joon slam the journal down angrily on Samuel's bed, Jer changed his mind and kept quiet.

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