Chapter 7

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Wally's POV
While I run I think about everything that happened. Part of me regrets everything, but another part doesn't. I love being a hero and saving people. Like right now I'm saving her life. What if I never became a hero? Would anyone be able to transport her this heart? The other part of me however wishes that I stayed with her because I still loved her. No matter how much I tried to deny it or tried to forget I just cant. I can't forget that I love (Y/N).


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Chapter 7

My wish

I was given four hours to transport the heart till it wasn't viable for transplant. I ended up making it it with five minutes left. I quickly handed it to the doctors standing outside the hospital.

"Thank you so much kid Flash" one of them said.

"Wait can I stay and make sure she's alright?"

"Go to room 370A on floor 3 and ask her mother."

"Ok thank you" I said and I ran to room 370A. When I reached the door I hesitated to knock. I contemplated on just leaving, and almost did, but then the door opened and I saw Mrs. (L/N).

"Hi...Um I was wondering if I could stay just to make sure I got the heart here in time?"

"Of course you can Wally. Come on in and sit."

I walked into the room and sat down on one of the chairs.

"How'd you know it was me?"
I looked down at the ground.

"You know me and your mother were just as close as you and (Y/N) were. If not closer."

"You didn't tell her? Did you?"

"No Wally...I didn't, but you should."

"I can't put her in this danger though."

"Oh come on. I see it in your eyes, you love her and she misses you more then you could ever imagine."

"And that's exactly why I can't tell her. Knowing her she'd end up in a lot of danger," I just couldn't risk it," besides Even if I did tell her, she's never forgive me. I just can't tell her ok. And that's final."

"Ok I understand"

I waited there for almost four hours waiting to see if the transplant was successful and if she'd be alright. I played games on my phone to pass the time. When the doctor came into the room, with two nurses wheeling a bed with an unconscious (Y/N) on it, he came over to me. I put my phone down on the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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