Misery Sans (P: 1)

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A/N: This isn't the official intro to Misery or Wretchedtale, but this is now a story to introduce him to the world. Maybe I'll put the original story into this book?

(???'s POV)

Quietly sitting on a hill, I awaited my true love. Nah, I'm just kidding, all love is crap and I should know that best out of all people. I leaned back on the tree that was behind me, closed my eye and listened to the wind rustling in the leaves. If you may be wondering, one of my eye's permanently damaged and it's under a bandage at which blood seeps through. The wounded one is my right eye, and if prefer not to talk about it. So, this, I thought, was the most beautiful place that I could be right now. So peaceful and calming, makes me wonder why I don't just stay here.

Well, not really I guess, it's kind of because here in Undertale, the kid always resets. I can't be resetted, or I will most probably die. And I don't want to be here to find out. I opened my eye again to see the breathtaking sunset slowly fall over the horizon. Although my hood was in my view slightly. I wished I could stay here forever, just in this moment, where I don't need to worry at all. But, I knew that by this time, the kid would reset soon. So, I got up, which was a rare thing for me to do, and made a portal going into Epictale.

Epic was by far one of my favourite Sans'. He's just so, memey, and I love memes. Also one of the chillest Sans' out there. And without further ado, I stepped into the portal with no hesitation. The breeze immediately hit me as I completely got through the portal. I soon realized a snow storm was heading to Snowdin. The small town with a joke name of being 'Snowed In'. But of course, everyone knows that. Right now, I was facing Epic's station that was closest to Toriel's door.

"Eheheh, funny of you out of anyone else, ta show up 'ere. As well as still only show one hand." A monster, which I consider people, said trying to act tough. I turned around and found myself face to face with Epic Sans. He uses a lot of slang so I kind of figured. We were somehow, literally always, the same height. "Funny of you to think I'd ever be scared of you. And did you really think I'd show you both?" I replied in a serious, joke fashion. He raised his non-existent eyebrow, shrugged and started laughing slightly.

He then grabbed the bottom of my sweater, which went down a little past my kneecap, it is a long sweater but very comfortable, and used it as a cape hood. Then like a little girl, with puppy eyes, he said, "Oh no, big Misery is so so scawy." He then started laughing fully now. Unamused, I grabbed my sweater back and replied coldly, "Paws off pal. And how did I know you were going to do that?" I dropped my sweater and crossed my arms.

"Poof," Epic put his left arm around my shoulders and made an imaginary hand banner saying, "Magic." He paused now leaning on me, "Or telekinesis." Epic got off me and I started walking, he caught up and we both walked in the direction of Snowdin. It was silence for a couple minutes, we both had our hands in our pockets as the wind blew harshly against our backs. It was shaking the trees roughly, even probably making them shiver. But then, I heard Epic take a breath in, about to start a sentence.

"Yo, back then, when I did the 'magic' thingy, d'ya realize you didn't flinch when I got close? Or d'ya jus' wanna make me think that?" I hesitated my step for a split second but it was barely noticeable. It took me a couple minutes to reply, but Epic waited. "No, I didn't realize, but this just proves you're doing your job, right? And why would I try to deceive you like that?" I questioned him. He shrugged and waited a second until saying, "Not ta be rude, but s'not like you haven't done that b'fore." I lowered my head, admitting that I have had intentions to do that in the past.

But nevertheless, Epic was a good friend, no matter if people liked memes or not. Mentioning this, I hate being touched or when people get to close to me. Of course, friends are exceptions, sometimes. I actually asked Epic if he could help me on that scale a while back and he said he would. He's doing a great job, I think at least.

That's when it went silent again. The wind was growing stronger as we started to reach Snowdin. All that was left was the rickety bridge to cross and then the entrance. We crossed it one by one, I usually let him go first. But then as I neared the center of this bridge, the wooden board underneath me snapped. I started to fall, but right at the last moment I took both of my hands out of my pockets and grabbed onto the rope. This lead to the bridge being pulled to the left as I was hanging off there.

As soon as it fell that way, Epic lost his balance and slipped on some ice that had formed, falling off the bridge as well. I tried to catch him but I failed. I shouted out, "Epic!" then immediately took action and used my Color Magic to catch him then bring him to safety, upon the other side of the bridge. But he looked and acted frozen for a bit so I had to get out of this by myself.

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