Misery Sans (P: 2)

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(No-no words [language warning],

(Misery's POV)

Hanging from the edge of the bridge, I tried my best to put my left foot to the other side which was very high up due to my weight on the rope. I wasn't able to get it so fell back down and more weight laid on my arms. Also trust me when I say, I'm not that heavy. It's just the board was old, and this bridge is old! So don't blame me for falling.

I tried my best to pull myself up to grab the rope, and after a couple minutes of struggling with balance and with the knowing if I failed, I'd plummet to my death, I was able to grab the rope on the higher end, and slowly evened out the bridge. I then got up carefully, made sure I was careful as well as looked where I went, and ran over to Epic, who was in deep panic, not remembering to put one of my hands away.

Also, just so you know, I may be a dick sometimes but Epic, to me, is one of three, maybe two other good friends I have. And he's the best out of all of them, so whenever shit like this happens to him, I'll fucking rip someone's throat out. I had just reached Epic and was now holding holding his shoulders, asking repeatedly, "Epic, bro are you alright?" All he responded with was a little nod as he stared at the ravine. Right then and there, the wind seemed to have gotten colder as snow had started to fall.

I didn't believe his nod 'yes' to if he was alright, but right now that didn't matter. We should really have tried to get back sooner so we wouldn't have gotten stuck in this snow storm, but oh well. I helped Epic to his feet and then saved us the time and I teleported both of us to his doorstep. Why to his door? Well, his Papyrus doesn't know anything about our powers or the timelines, blah, blah, blah. So, I knocked on the door and almost immediately, Epic's Papyrus opened the door.

"Oh! Hi Misery, and brother? Is everything alright?" Papyrus asked worriedly. I just looked at him to let us in. He moved aside as I then helped Epic in as well as going in myself. Then, I had tried to make up an excuse, but I'm not too good at that. So I decided to tell him the truth, "Papyrus, you got to stay calm and don't freak out." I said as I went over to the couch to have Epic sit down. He was initially grabbing onto my sweater when I had first got to him, but didn't notice until now. Papyrus came to join us and was looking at me curious.

"Epic and I had a bit of an accident down at the entry bridge to Snowdin. One of the wooden boards for walking on had broken under me then I fell. So, I grabbed onto the rope that held it up." I said as I used my Color Magic again to bring some of Epic's cookies to him. He looked a bit less lifeless and now more relaxed as he let go of my sweater and started gobbling up the delicious chocolate chip cookies. Papyrus, as I was telling him this, looked concerned, but kept his mouth shut and leaned against the wall.

"So, essentially what happened is that the bridge went sideways and Epic almost fell to his death." I rushed that part and shrugged my shoulders, trying to look not guilty. Epic just kept eating his cookies, he had three left. Before Papyrus could say anything I started again, although he did look outraged, "But, but, but! I used my Color Magic and brought him back up to stable ground on the other side of the bridge. And best part is, we're all fine!" I tried my best to make sure Papyrus wouldn't yell at me for endangering his brother, and I succeeded, it seemed,

Then he sighed and replied with, "Well, at least the two of you are alright. That's the most I could ask for. And yes, I am aware that that bridge is worn out and had taken its fair share of damage throughout the years, it needs to be replaced at once." I sighed in relief that he didn't get mad at me for using an attack move to help Epic, but nevertheless I won't mention it.

Papyrus had walked into the kitchen with his arms crossed and yelled to the both of us, "We're having spaghetti for dinner. Misery, you're welcome anytime to stay with us and eat, okay?" I didn't want to be impolite so immediately responded with, "Yes, I'm aware, Papyrus." I then looked over at Epic, who was sitting next to me acting better. Then we both, at the same time, started softly laughing under our breath. I'm pretty sure we were both thinking of the same thing.

"What's so funny I'm there you two?" Papyrus said from in the kitchen. We calmed ourselves down and I signalled to Epic that he'd have the honor to say what we had laughed about. "It's nothing, Papyrus. I just can't wait until I get some of that spaget." Epic said regularly. And then we heard Papyrus' 'Nyeh heh heh' from the kitchen. "Knock it off you two, that joke is so old." Papyrus said unimpressed from the kitchen. I mean, who could blame him? I just laughed a bit more then relaxed back into the sofa and awaited our spaget.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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