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*the next week in the class room*.

Kukui:today we are doing a partner project the pairs will be: Ash & lille Lana & soft Kawie & Mellow Gladon & Moon sun & Evee thanks for listening now pair up.

Lille (thinks):Why couldn't we be paired with the same gender?
*after everyone gets into there pairs*

Ash(thinks):Wait why am I even going to school? Oh well I just am.

Kukui:the project is to study the alter of the sun
Ash (thinks):he means where I've been staying good thing I took photos.
Kukui:Alright you have till week 10 of ash being here off to study the alter of the sun.
Ash (thinks):well I may as well head off now.
Kukui:but when you are doing it your partner must be with you!!!

*With Lana & soft*

Lana:there's no way anyone will be able to get there and back by that time
Soft:who knows we know nothing about ash for all we know he could snap his fingers and be there.
Lana:What the actual heck made you think that
Soft:I don't know.

*with ash & lille in the Forest*

Lille:Ash where are we going
Ash:to the alter of the sun
Lille:why are you going this way
Ash:Someone's following us
Ash:and we lost them (snaps fingers while putting a foot on Lille's and now there at the alter ash removes his foot.)

Ash:sorry about the foot but would you want to be left in the forest?
Lille:N-no (sighs)
Ash:are you okay? (Walks over to a wall and sits)

Ash:you can't touch Pokémon can you Pikachu can you and the others go father ahead for a bit?
Pikachu:Pikachu (sure)
Ash:thanks (pats Pikachu who coos in happiness as he runs up ahead with some other Pokémon but on stays a ninja like frog)
Ash:greninja if your gonna stay stay a bit away in the shadows (the ninja goes into the shadows)

Lille:thanks ash
Ash:no problem I basically live here so I know a lot about the place just grabbing my photos and book first (starts walking with Lille jogging to catch up)
Lille:why do you live up here away from the human race
Ash:less team rocket & I have no where else to stay and I kinda like this place now so I made it my home but 4 people come here to study Ultra beasts because there not smart. If Ultra beasts where to come back the world would be in danger so I play pranks on them time to time and they've never even found me or my 2 Pokémon I have at the moment. I have more just there not here in Alola yet so yeah that's my reasoning,that And it's more peaceful.

Lille:like how Gladon used to stay on hills before I found him and forced him to in roll in the school.

Ash:hmmm sounds like that was fun for him
Ash:calm down I'm only joking
Lille:i know
Mew:Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew (looks like his having fun)
Ash:Mew shoo!
Mew:Mew? (Why?)
Ash:just stay with greninja or go catch up with Pikachu. Mew.

Lille:thanks again
Ash:no problem ah here we are (grabs photos and a book) we should head back to the city get you home.
Ash:Pikachu we're going are you coming (Pikachu then Jumps onto his shoulder ash and Lille hold hands as he snaps his fingers they are now back in the forest.)

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