Chapter 1

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*Celeste's POV*

First time writing a werewolf book

Slowly, I open my eyes and see that light is coming through the curtains of my window. I roll over and see that it is 7:58. Great I think to my self 2 more minutes until I have to get up and face another day at Elm High School.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Celeste, up now." Shouts Aliena, my 44-year-old Mum, from downstairs.

"Coming mum." I reply rolling out of my bed. I look into my full-body length mirror. I have strawberry blonde hair, light green eyes like my Dad, and I have an hourglass figure that I am proud of, I am not fat, just curvy.

"Celeste, your breakfast is getting cold!" shouts Mum

"Just getting changed." I reply putting on a pink tank-top, black shorts, and my black converse, I brush my hair and race downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and see my 15-year-old sister, Rose, eating bacon and eggs. Rose like me has strawberry blonde hair, but she has blue eyes like my Mum. My sister and don't fight like most the kids in our neighbourhood, but if she goes into my room without asking and touches my stuff, all hell breaks loose. I sit at the end of the table facing my father, Tom. Tom is 48 years old, he has green eyes, brown hair, and a clean-shaven face. For a living he works as a carpenter, his latest building he is working on is a cathedral in the centre of town, Dad spends most his morning there and gets home late.

"Here you go Celeste," Mum says handing me my breakfast, which is bacon, eggs, and toast. My Mum runs her own chef company called, Alienas Secret Recipes, not the best name but it works, because she gets people flocking to her sore, near the edge of Blood Forest, every day.

"Mmm, smells great thanks Mum," I say giving her a kiss on the cheek. I dig into my breakfast, whishing to avoid a conversation that I know is going to happen.

"Celeste, you, your sister, and I, will be going shopping after school for a red dress for you,"

"Ugh, really Mum I can just wear one from my wardrobe," Great here is the conversation I was avoiding.

"Nonsense, you need a new red dress for the Blood Rose picking ceremony." Replies Mum who is clearing the table.
The Blood Rose ceremony happens every 20 years under the Blood Moon. Every girl aged 16 to 20 is to dress in a red dress and walk into the middle of the Blood Forest at midnight. When they all get there, there are blindfolds placed in a circle around the Blood Rose bush, each girl must wear one, if they do not the beast that roams the forest will rip the girl to shreds (This has never happened) The point of this ceremony is so that the beast of Blood Forest finds their mate. In the morning after the ceremony, one girl is gone from the circle. Since I am 18 this year I am of age and must participate. I personally think that this ceremony is insane and should stop.

"Ok, fine. The dress can be cheap though Mum," I say. I look at Rose and see jealousy creep into her eyes. Rose, being 15 is to young to participate in the ceremony and she will never be able to attend, but she really wants to go and whenever someone mentions the ceremony, Rose turns into a jealous monster.

"Rose, you dont have to come." Says Mum softly, seeing the jealousy in Roses eyes.

"No, its fine Mum, I will come." Says Rose sighing.

"Well, I have to be off ." Says my Dad making everybody jump, Dad is a quiet person until he wants to be. I look at the microwave clock, 8:50am, shit 10 minutes until school starts.

"Bye Mum, be Dad." I say kissing their cheeks "Come on Rose or we will be late." I grab my bag, and walk out the door with Rose following.

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