Chapter 5

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When I wake I sit up groaning. Head pounding. 
"Owww, why the hell is my head hurting so much?" I ask no one in particular. I then remember last night and the voice saying 'MINE!' Whatever that is supposed to mean. What that means I was chosen by the beast, my eyes fly open searching for the 'Beast.' Instead, I see a waterfall. I look around, I am laying on a pile of soft moss in a clearing in the woods. I see no sign of the 'Beast' Maybe it's left?  no that can't be it, can it?
"HELLO?!" I shout. Birds squawk and fly from the treetops, but that is the only noise I can hear. I get up off of the moss, I look down at my dress Man, it is dirty, and is ripped down the side. As I am inspecting my dress, a rustle in the bushes makes me lookup.  
"Hello?" I say, hoping it is a person that can take me home, and not the 'Beast.' My wish got granted, out of the bushes came a half-naked man, and OH MY FUCKING GOD, HE IS A GREEK GOD! He has an 8-pack and low rise jeans that show his V-line travelling to his Netherlands ;) He is tall, tanned, and oh so good looking. He has black hair and piercing green eyes. 
"H..H.Hello," I stutter out, why the fuck do I have to be so awkward?
"Hey there Kitten," he replies. WTF Kitten? I ain't no animal.
"Look, I don't know who you are, but you can't go around calling girls 'Kitten,' it's not polite," 
"Then what do you want me to call you," he says as he moves closer to where I am standing,
"My name is Celeste. What about you?" I ask as he reaches me with an arm length distance between us.
"My  name is Damien," 
"Well, Damien, we should get going, I was picked last night by the 'Beast' and I don't know why, but it has left me here in this clearing. Do you know the way back to the village?" 
"I don't think it is a beast?" he says quietly,
"I don't know why you think that, but whatever you think it is, it is dangerous, so let's go," I say taking a step forward.
"Yes, I do know where the Village is, its not that way," He says, grabbing my wrist as I walk past him. He smells like pine trees and mown grass. Yum! He pulls me to his body and a shiver runs down my back at the proximity. He looks into my eyes, deeply. I suck in a breathe. Is he going to kiss me? Nah, I'm too ugly to be kissed, plus he probably has a girlfriend and with that thought, I shake my hand out of his grasp.
"Well, lead the way," I say my voice thankful not shaking. He pushes past me without a word and goes the opposite way to what I was going. He walks through the dense scrub and I follow. After 5 minutes if silence I decide to make conversation. 
"What are you doing out in the woods?" I ask as I walk beside him, we found a path about 2 minutes ago and we follow it south, the sun is setting, and the sunset is beautiful, it consists of yellow, blue, and pink.
"I was hunting," he replies.
"Where you hunting the beast?" he doesn't look like a hunter.
"No, I don't hunt mythical creatures," 
"What do you mean mythical?" I say to his toned back, Damn, he walks fast, not that I'm complaining I get a great view. I walk a bit faster to catch up and walk beside him. The sun has nearly set, I couldn't see past a metre. 
"I don't believe in the 'Beast." He stops by a mossy rock and turns to me, "I believe in fate though, and I am sorry," Before I could ask why he was sorry, something hits me in the back of the head, and darkness greets me again.


When I wake again, the first thing I notice is a burning pain in my right arm, I sit up and look at my arm, there is a huge bite mark on my upper arm. I scream bloody murder. I jump from the Bed cradling my bitten arm, and blood is spilling down my arm. The door slams open revealing a shirtless Damien Does he everwhere a shirt, not that I'm complaining!
Are you ok? What is wrong?" he says eyes looking at me.
"Where the fuck did you take me you psychopath, I asked for you to take me back to my house NOT YOUR BEDROOM! AND WHY IS THERE A FUCKING BITE ON MY ARM?!" I shout at him, I am shaking from anger and betrayal. I then look down. "AND WHERE THE FUCK IS MY DRESS? WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME WHILE I WAS ASLEEP?!!" Instead of my red dress, I am in a pair of black boxes and a large grey t-shirt. After shouting at Damien, I start to feel light-headed, I walk back to Damien's bed and sit down at the end of the bed facing the door and Damien who hasn't moved. "Well?" I ask angrily. My arm is hunting like all Hell. 
"Umm, you fell and, umm.. yeah." He says scratching the back of his neck.
"Is that your best excuse?" I scoff, I get up and walk towards him, ready to slap some sense into him, before I could take 2 steps, my legs give way, and my arm feels as if it is on fire before I could hit the floor Damien catches me. 
"I have you now my princess." He whispers in my ear, and darkness consumes me for the 3rd goddammed time. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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