The Beginning

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I smirked as I sat on the bed in the guest room. How foolish of him. Bringing a stranger into his home like this. Worst mistake he's ever made. It had been 4 hours since he had brought me to his beautiful mansion. The guest room was three times my room and I was loving it.  He had given me one of his shirts to wear after I had showered and threw my dirty clothes in the wash so I could get them to wear to work tomorrow. I look at the clock that read 12 am and smirked.  It's go time!

I got up from the bed as I sneakily walked towards the door. I walked up the stairs to the third floor and took my first right. The second door was calling my name. I put my hand on the knob to open the door when suddenly I heard a voice.

"What are you doing?" I stood there as a deer caught in headlights. Shit! I thought everyone was sleeping.

"It's all your imagination. You're sleeping right now. It's just a dream. What you're seeing is not real. When you wake up you won't remember anything." The idiot that brought me to his house stood there looking at me with an annoyed look. I groaned in frustration. Why the hell was he up. He ruined my plans.

"Based on what I'm seeing here, you were about to go into my room. This is not a dream. It's all true. Now what do you want because if it's this d..."

" Look Mr. I don't want nothing to do with you. You're not my type. My hair straightener is so much hotter than you. If I could date it, I would."

"Stop acting as if you don't know who I am. Everyone knows  who I am. So you can quit pretending. I just need you for 6 months. I'll pay you that $100,000 for what you did even though you didn't kiss me, you still convinced them that we're dating and I'll pay you $2 million for the 6 months." Damn! 2 mill was a lot of money but he can't just buy me with his money. I roll my eyes at him.

"Look Mr. I'm going to make this clear. You're making a huge mistake. I'm a bitch by heart and if you want to live a happy and peaceful life, after today, don't ever come close to me because it won't be pretty for you."

"Well Kristina, my name is Caden Antonio King, CEO of King Enterprise. Everyone loves me so you better start learning to. You better feel privileged that I chose you, a simple little waitress, because as the hottest bachelor in the US, I could have gotten any girl I wanted. So respect me. I'm not paying for a girl with a nasty attitude. If I wanted a bitch, I would have bought a dog." The audacity of this fool! How dare he expects me to just drop to my knees and praise him. He could be the Queen of England and I wouldn't give a fuck. I'm not dropping to my knees to please none of these rich people. Another reason for me to despise them.

"Then go buy a dog because I'm not interested. And word of advice, acting like a prick won't make yours grow." I told him as I stood there with a bored look on my face. He smirked as if he thought of the perfect comeback

"You know I thought you were really pretty. You weren't wearing makeup and I was like wow what a beautiful girl but now I see. Maybe you should eat makeup so your insides can be as pretty as your outside." That was a sucky comeback. I didn't want to waste my comebacks on this lame man.

I walked off and back down to the second floor to the guest room. What a douche? I just can't stand men like him. I need to do something before leaving this place tomorrow. I really need to.

I sat there as I kept on watching the clock. It was now 3 in the morning. I was waiting until I was sure he was sleeping before making any moves. I walked out of the room and peaked out in the hallway. It was completely dark and that gave me a sense that he went to bed. I quickly made my self downstairs as I used my phone light to navigate me. I smirk as I saw all the car keys lined up where he had placed the car key when he first came in. There were 6 of them there. This made me roll my eyes. So unnecessary! There is no reason to own so many cars. Hah! We'll see how he's going to get to work tomorrow.

I took all the 6 car keys before climbing up on the counter. I chuckled as I stood on my tip toes and place all 6 keys on the highest cabinet, all the way to the back. He'll never expect my 5'4 height to reach up there but the beast in me is a great climber. He'll never find them.

I quickly ran up the stairs and to his room. I slowly turn the knob and smirked as it effortlessly opened. Stupid man. He saw me breaking into his room the first time and still left his door open. Dumb ass.

I walked into the room and close the door. I stood with my back against the door as I thought what I wanted to do. So many ideas flashed to my mind but I didn't think it was time to do those yet. I have to save the best for later if he doesn't leave me alone.

I walk over to his bed and watched as he laid there innocently as he slept. His lips looked so soft and beautiful. Handsome man. I sighed. Shit what can I do? I slowly entered his bathroom and smirked as I saw a bottle of green dye. His hair is natural. Why does he have dye? Oh well. It's great for my plan. I stood on the tub as I unscrewed the shower head and put the dye in it. I chuckled as I fixed it back before quickly fixing everything to perfection and leaving his room.

I have to leave this house. I quickly gather all my things, including my uniform that was washed before sneaking to the window. Sayonara bitch! I hope you like looking like Frankenstein. I jumped from the window to the tree before climbing down to the ground. He'll know I'm no ordinary girl and that he shall never mess with me. I quickly went to the gate before letting myself out as I sprinted from the gate all the way to the bus stop. It felt like I was going for about 2 hours which I probably was but my adrenaline was so much that I didn't stop.

I smiled as I sat at the bus stop and saw the bus coming. It must be a couple minutes after 5 am for the bus to be here. I went on and paid my fare with the money that I would pay last night if he didn't take me to his place.

I smiled as I sat on the bus as I picture the look on his face as he looks at his shrek reflection in the mirror.

This is just the beginning.

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