Chapter One

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chapter one

'What are you looking for Floss?'

It was a typical, sunny, Saturday-morning in May. Harry watched curiously as the short redhead rummaged recklessly through the garden shed in front of him. Buckets, spades, a gardening hose and various other abandoned items came flying from the wooden structure, nearly colliding with the blonde boy.

'That nearly hit Jeff! I said what are you looking for?'

Much to his annoyance, she did not respond to his question and instead went to open a large, cardboard box labelled 'holiday'; swatting away a thick layer of cobwebs with her small hand. As she lifted the lid upwards, a cloud of dust was produced from the ancient junk, which caused Harry to cough and splutter from behind.

'Floss I'm going to find someone else to play with, this isn't fun.' He turned back towards the entrance of Elm Tree House when suddenly-

'A rainbow! Finally!'

Floss leaped out from the shed armed with a vibrant toy windmill - the kind sold at the seaside. She excitedly paraded it around the garden, enjoying the way the wind spun it's rainbow-coloured hands.

'Floss! Jeff wants to know what you found!' Harry shouted, running to catch up with his friend.

'Look. I found a rainbow!' Floss sang, poking the windmall at the toy giraffe.

'Jeff is confused.'

'Remember? Mike said I can decorate my room here however I like, and I like rainbows.' she exclaimed.

'I like giraffes.'

'I can tell, your room is full of them. Where can I find more rainbows?'

Harry referred to his beloved cuddly toy before stating 'Jeff doesn't know, but I do. Follow me.' He took his friend by the hand and dragged her back inside. They didn't speak a word to one another until they reached the bedroom door of Elektra and Faith; two of the much older residents at Elmtree House.

Floss eagerly went to turn the handle of the door when-

'No stop! Elektra is in there!' Harry whispered hastily to his friend, signalling her to be quiet. She looked as him with a confused expression, wondering why the presence of the older girl was worrying. She peered through the keyhole and sure enough, Elektra was sitting on her bed, listening to music.

'What's wrong with that?' Floss questioned.

'Elektra is scary, remember she scared you off?' He sighed. 'She hurt Jeff when she first came here,' he smoothed over the stitching on Jeff's leg sadly.

'Oh. But does she have a rainbow?'

'Yes, but-'

Harry's argument was interrupted by the sound of Floss knocking on the door. She wasn't put off by his story. All she could think about were rainbows - and she needed to have some of her own.

'No!' Harry shouted, before speedily darting back into his room for cover, slamming the door behind him.


Floss jumped at the sound of a loud, menacing voice. However, ignoring the voice's request, she sheepishly opened the door to face the older girl.

Meanwhile, Elektra was readied to attack the intruder with her nearest pillow, but softened her angry expression when she saw the small child's face peeking through at her. She's no monster (not without a good reason anyway).

'Um Floss, what do you want?' Elektra opened the door fully and watched as the young girl wandered in, she seemed to be looking for something, as her eyes scanned around the walls.

'Harry said- hah!' Floss ran up and pointed to a rainbow flag that was pinned above Elektra's desk. Her eyes widened at the sight of such a magnificent rainbow - the flag was nearly as big as her.

'What's made you so interested in my pri- I mean rainbow flag?' Elektra questioned, her voice had an unfamiliar edge of anxiety.

'I'm collecting rainbows to go in my new room, look what I have already!'
Floss produced the colourful windmill from her pocket and put it up in Elektra's face excitedly. Elektra batted it away and took a step back, her eyes closed. She took a deep breath.

'Sorry.' Muttered Floss, feeling guilty of upsetting her fellow resident.

Elektra exhaled. 'No, it's not your fault, it's ok. I'm sorry.' She had no intention of upsetting Floss - the girl was only 7. She sat down on the blue duvet of her bed and ushered the smaller girl to do so too. 'So what did Harry tell you?'

'He told me he saw a rainbow in you and Faith's room. It's so cool!' The redhead carelessly swang her short legs up and down.

'Is that all he told you?' she questioned, her face strained with worry.


Elektra relaxed with relief.

'Can I have it? Please!' Floss begged.

'Sorry but, the flag is really important to me.'

'I thought big girls don't like rainbows?'

Elektra looked down and grinned. 'Well this big girl does-' she suddenly stared at Floss, 'DO NOT tell ANYONE I said that!' Floss shook her head aggressively.

'Rainbows to me mean... pride.' Elektra continued.

'What does pride mean? Like a lion?'

'It means being being proud of yourself.' She finally said, in a very matter-of-fact tone.

'What are you proud of then Elektra?' Floss asked.


'LUNCH IS READY!' Gina shrieked from below. Floss hopped down from the bed and went to run to the dining room, but then stopped herself in the doorway.

'Aren't you coming Elektra?'

The older girl looked up and took a deep breath.

'I will be there in a second, I just... I just need to think okay.' She responded, staring blankly at the ceiling, deep in her own thoughts.

Finding Pride - story from The Dumping GroundWhere stories live. Discover now