Chapter Four

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chapter four

'Faith?' whispered the small voice.

Her heart raced. She turned around to face the wardrobe, and to her horror, one of the doors swung open independently.

Faith gasped and was taken aback, but eventually mustered up the courage to investigate, thinking to herself that it may just be a scared Floss or Harry- only it was neither of them.

It was Elektra.

She was rocking from side to side solemnly, her chin resting upon her knees. It was noticable that her eyes were wet from crying, yet motionless, staring at the floor. In one hand she was gripping tightly to a mobile phone, and the other was placed over her ear, suggesting that she couldn't hear Faith's calls earlier.
It was incredibly distressing for Faith to see such a strong, brave personality
like Elektra so... vunerable.

'Elektra I-' Faith said sympathetically.

'D-don't look at me!'

Faith gladly did as she was told. She briskly closed the door and carefully re-barricaded it shut- just to save her friend from any more embarrassment. Then, she slowly crouched down and leant against the side of the wardrobe that was closed. She wanted Elektra to know that she was close by.

There was silence.

All that could be heard were the sounds of
Elektra's sorrowful cries and sniffles. A sound not known to many.

Faith slowly reached a shaking hand inside the wardrobe, which Elektra didn't accept at first. Understandable. Elektra always had strict boundaries.
But slowly, their fingers interlocked.
Faith gently rubbed her thumb against Elektra's hand; a calming gesture that works with kids and adults alike.

The pair stayed in that state for a while. It was a strange, warm atmosphere that neither of them had experienced before. Both were confused and anxious by the situation, but together and aware of eachother.

'D-Do you want to go somewhere more comfortable? It can't be nice in there.'

There was a long pause.

Faith released her grasp from Elektra's hand and shakily stood up. She gathered all the soft blankets, pillows, and duvets from around the room and positioned them comfortably in the corner by the window. She imagined that Elektra felt like she wanted to hide, and perhaps sitting on the floor would help ease the feeling of being exposed.

'I-I'm over here when you're ready, is that okay?'

Faith rested her head against the wall and began to watch the activity that was occuring outside the window. It seemed that Tee and Mo were making a den outside- or at least trying to. They had used many strange items to construct their fortress, such as an umbrella, the inflatable crocodile Mike thought he had lost, and the rug from the living room. Gina will love that.

A brief smile spread over Faith's face as she spotted Tyler and Jodie hiding in the bushes with water-pistols, most likely getting themselves ready to attack everyone within 20 a metre radius. She quickly shut the window. Elektra doesn't need to hear all the screaming thats about to occur.

'Elektra? Talk to me. Please. I hate to think that you are suffering alone, it's always better to talk.'
Faith walked over to the wardrobe, realising her friend would need further encouragement. She reached out a hand, which Elektra took willingly, and pulled her up.

They looked eachother in the eye for a short moment before Faith pulled Elektra in for a long, gentle hug. It was a strange but welcoming sensation for Elektra. She had always built up her walls so vast and high that she had never let her emotions come through, and in turn she didn't get comforted very often. She was almost frustrated at herself for letting her guard down, but she had no time to dwell on that.

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