Chapter Two

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chapter two


There was a knock on the door.

Elektra looked up from writing in her notebook. She was up in her bedroom, trying to figure out which guitar chords to use in her secret project. Rick was some-what useful for this, but the work was lost last time when Tyler attacked her with a water-balloon, so she decided that she would work it out for herself. Thinking about it, Rick's idea wasn't very good anyway.

'Who is it?' Elektra responded, slightly irritated about the fact that she was being interrupted.

'It's me, Gina, will you PLEASE open the door!'

'Fine.' She muttered, and let the care worker inside. Gina sighed and went to sit on the bed.

'Elektra, babes, I have something important to talk to you about.' She ushered Elektra to sit by her.

'What? Go on, tell me!' Elektra exclaimed.

'Well, over the past few months, me and Mike have noticed you... really growing into such a wonderful young women.'

'Um... what are you on about?' Elektra argued.

'Hey babes, relax, that was a compliment, not a criticism. You see, I remember a few years ago when you first joined us, and you were a nightmare! So full of agression and anger. Creating gangs, getting the other kids to steal money, cutting up Harry's toy giraffe-'

'Yeah, that wasn't my proudest moment.' Elektra looked down and grinned. She really couldn't identify with her 15/16-year-old self, looking back was strange.

'You wouldn't of even let me sit by you like I am now! I mean sure, you still have your moments, like with Mo's necklace, but hey! You're sharing a room with Faith like a saint, you caught that snake and you were really kind to tyler too.'

'Sooo... what did you want to tell me?' Elektra asked, looking up at Gina.

'Well, we both know you've overstayed a bit here-'

'You're kicking me out?!'

'Relax Elektra. You're turning 18 next year, now 16 is when kids in care homes start moving on but 18, is really the limit. Me and Mike delayed you moving out after the incident with the wedding and then after you, you know, locked Tee and Johnny in the cellar!'

'Where will I go?' Elektra questioned, she was suddenly overwhelmed with information, this was the only thing she could say.

'Well your sister has been in contact again. She wants you to move in with her and your brother-in-law.'

'What?' This was too much.

'Me and Mike came to the decision that you having your own semi-independent flat would put too much pressure on you while you're still completing mechanics course.'

'Why didn't you ask me! Why do you assume you know what I want!' Elektra was fuming that yet again, she has had no say in what happens to her. She stood up to face her care worker.

'ELEKTRA! Calm down! Look. If it doesn't work out living with Melissa, then we can always arrange it as a last resort yeah? But I know you want to be with her again, what is holding you back?'

Elektra slowly walked over to her window. 'Nothing, nothing.' She had to lie.

'Are you sure babes?'

'Yes, I'm fine.' She went and sat down by Gina, who kindly put her arm around her. Elektra had never treated care workers like parents, heck, she hadn't really ever hugged Mike or Gina before (they were probably too scared to themselves), but for the first time, something about Gina being there for her made her feel... safe. Maybe not safe enough to tell her the truth, but safe enough to feel like she belong. Why did she have to leave now?

'How long do I have?' Elektra was dreading the answer.

'After talking with Melissa and your social worker, we've agreed that your leaving date will most likely be the 2nd July.' Gina responded.

'That's... 2 months from now.'

'I know it's a lot Elektra, but you want some independence yeah? You will still be able to carry on your apprenticeship and all of that okay? Now I have to go make dinner- JODY I CAN HEAR YOU RAIDING THE BISCUITS! If you have anything you want to talk about just ask me, your social worker will be here for a meeting tomorrow. JODY I'M WARNING YOU! See you at dinner love.' She pat Elektra on the shoulder and left the room.

Elektra solemnly looked at the notebook placed on the foot of her bed. She didn't feel like writing. She didn't feel anything. She was trappped.

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