The Night of The Ball

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"Baby, I don't want to go just yet. We just got here." 

"Are you telling me no?" Alek asked as his wolfs eyes flashed suddenly, eclipsing his once-vibrant aqua blue eyes. 

Keiran loved when his mate got dominant with him. And when Alek got like this, Keiran knew he was in for it. He knew it was going to take a few days to recover from the fucking he's about to endure from his mate. 

"I would never." Keiran replied because it was true. 

He really could never say no to Alek. 

Keiran would often laugh at how submissive he is compared to what he used to be. 

In high school when he was training to become his best friends beta, Keiran was so different. He was more stern, more unwilling to change his opinion on matters, he could defend himself verbally easily and could be aggressive if he needed to be. 

 But the moment he met Alek, it was like all trace of dominance was sucked out of him and went straight into his mate. Alek was more dominant, maybe even more than Cairo, the alpha. 

Especially when it came to Keiran. 

But Keiran loved it and his wolf loved it when Alek took control. 

His wolf would salivate every time they shifted when he saw Aleks white wolf standing tall and strong. His wolf would practically pant and drool until Alek's wolf finally laid eyes on Keiran's sandy gold-coloured wolf. His wolf would immediately submit and get into position for his mate. Keiran's wolf often teased Alek's wolf by pretending to get up when they were about to mate just because his wolf wanted that possessive, aggressive, dominant side of Alek's wolf. 

Even now in the ballroom, surrounded by hundreds of wolves, Keiran was defying his mate by wanting to stay. Defying him in the way that he wanted Alek's dominant side to come out. 

And he couldn't contain the excitement when it did. 

That quick flash of his wolfs eyes was the sign he was looking for. 

Keiran soon ran off looking for their oldest son, Jace. 

Keiran needed to make sure the 18-year-old knew to take his 9-year-old sister home when they were ready to leave. Keiran was going to get fucked so good tonight and he didn't want any distractions. All he wanted was his mates hard cock inside of him as his mate took what he wanted from him. 

Tonight Keiran wanted the Alek that flipped him over, fucked him from behind and bit his neck to hold him in placed as he marked him and fucked him as if his life depended on it. 

By the time Keiran got to the car, he was so aroused he had to pop the button on his formal pants to help ease some of the strain that his lower half was going through. When he heard the crunch of pebbles on the driveway echo through the open lot, he turned around to see his tall strong and incredibly aroused mate stalk towards him. His muscled had bunched up, he seemed even taller than what he already was, and his eyes were taken over by obsidian. 

Alek didn't care who saw the hard bulge in his pants or his darkened lust-filled eyes. Zia's pregnancy hormones were driving him crazy 24/7. So tonight when he felt that sexual urgent need to fuck course through him, he couldn't help but smile. Everyone was at the ball tonight so he could fuck his mate for as long as he wanted too. The kids could stay for as long as they want which meant his husband was all his for tonight. 

As Alek made his way outside, he saw his mate leaning against their car. He knew that hunched over form was feeling the tight constraints of his pants. While Keiran felt tortured from the tight restrictions, Alek relished the feeling. The tighter and more painful his pants were against his cock, the more he coiled up until the moment he could finally release himself and slam home inside his mate. 

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