The Night They Met - Part Two

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The cool night's air did nothing to cool Jace down. 

His body was so hot from how much he was burning with lust that nothing could cool him down. 

While Jace was all flustered and red in the face and panting like a dog that's just gone for a walk, Javier, on the other hand, was so composed Jace couldn't believe it. Javier owned everything about himself. He knew who he was and he didn't give a fuck what people thought of him. So walking hand in hand back to his boxy one-bedroom apartment, he felt the best he ever had. The repulsed middle-aged human couple that walked past him and slung words of hate against their way, Javier wasn't bothered. 

They were pathetic in his mind if they thought his bond for his mate was repulsive. 

Javier had smelt the faint scent of his mate all over town or when he would pass a wolf in the street. At first, his anger got the best of him which made him fight harder in the ring to let his pent up aggression out. But it wasn't until he saw a pregnant wolf that had the air of power about her that screamed alpha, and a little girl that had that same faint scent to them that he realised that they were related to his mate and that he was scenting his mate's relatives. 

He looked for his mate for weeks, maybe even months. He lost count because the longer time went on, the more he fought in the ring. His wolf was pissed off from smelling the faint scent all over town but never finding the actual source. He fought so much that the owner of the club actually had to cut him from fights. 

Then one night when he went to the club to fight, that scent that had haunted him for so long was finally there. 

And it was so strong. 

He knew the exact direction the smell was coming from and he didn't care who he had to push out of his way to get to his mate. 

Nothing was going to stop him now. 

He could've cried from seeing his mate if his wolf wasn't so demanding at that moment. Javier never liked to stop his wolf from doing anything he wanted, that included marking their mate. In a place like that, Javier was more than happy to mark his mate and let everyone know they needed to fuck off from approaching his mate. 

Even now his composure was becoming a struggle. 

Jace's scent was more than intoxicating. His arousal mixing with his sweet vanilla, strawberry and caramel scent was driving Javier mad. Mad to the point where he had started walking faster towards his apartment. He needed to mark that sweet sensitive neck again.

He wanted to feel his mate shake against his body again as he came from just his teeth alone. He wanted to watch his mates face as he enters him as they complete the bond. He wanted to watch those beautiful eyes look up at him and mirror the bond back to him. He wanted to see those puffy pouty lips part with moans as he filled his mate. He wanted to hear his name come from his mate's mouth as he rose above him.

When they finally reached the apartment, they climbed the stairs to the top third-floor and walked to the lonely brown door at the end of the hallway. Javier grabbed the door handle and turned it, breaking the knob as he pulled his mate into his apartment. He'd pay for the broken lock another day. 

Right now he needed to show his mate how much he wanted him. 

Javier knew wolves could fall in love much quicker than humans because of the mate bond, but he also knows that his mate was a little behind. Javier spent weeks falling in love with the faint scent he smelt. His mate has only just now found him. 

As he kicked the door closed with his foot, he grabbed Jace's hand and pulled his body back against him. The next-door neighbour shouted and pounded on the walls from the door banging loudly but Javier couldn't give two shits. 

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