The Night They Met - Part One

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For the life of him, Jace could not concentrate on his cousin. 

Through the thick smell of sweat and blood that stained the locker room of the underground fight club, his nose could only smell one aroma that he's never smelt before. 

When Jace and Hazel entered the club, all he could smell was the mixture of all the different supernaturals in the club. His ears picked up multiple voices, multiple conversations and multiple sets of heartbeats. After meeting the club owner and being whisked away to the locker room by his cousin who was about to start her first fight of the night, it was like he was slammed against an invisible wall of scents that had his knees threatening to buckle. 

He mindlessly replied to his cousin as his mind boggled itself to figure out what that scent was. 

It was like someone took glazed cherries, passionfruit and cinnamon and mixed it together and blew it in his face. The scent was sweet with a little spice all in one and he couldn't stop breathing it in. It was like that was all he could smell now that his nose had zeroed in on the scent. 

And the thought of his mate never crossed his mind. 

He always knew that to each wolf their mate's scent was something so special that no other person could smell. He knew he would eventually find that scent that would let him know that his mate was near, but he had never heard of anyone describing it like this. 

His heart was beating so rapidly and his dick was so hard against his jeans that he didn't even care about the pain. His knees were threatening to give way from the euphoric scent that had successfully sent every nerve ending in his body into a frenzy. And his mind was blank as if everything inside was immediately sucked out and replaced with that goddess smelling scent and an overwhelming need to mark and fuck his mate. 

But Jace knew even before he even saw his mate that it wouldn't be him that does the fucking. 

Jace wanted someone to love him and cherish him. He wanted someone that would treat him like a prince and love him till they drew their last breath. He wanted someone to take care of him. 

His sarcasm and princessy attitude was in some way a part of his personality, but that wasn't all of who he was. Sometimes that was a front he put up because deep inside he was a man that struggled with his sexuality. 

Especially growing up. 

He struggled with who he was as a person. With him being a very attractive wolf, he had every girl in high school crushing over him and his cousin Blu. They were the popular boys of the school partially because of the way they looked, but mostly because they were the Alpha and Beta's kids. But with popularity came the overwhelming amount of attention that came from girls who had crushed on him or were after him because of his position in the pack. 

His father's had raised him to respect women, and he did. But that didn't mean that somedays he just wanted to scream in their faces and tell them to stop rubbing themselves up against his body because it repulsed him. 

It also didn't help that the girl he grew up with, the one he almost considered a best friend, had revealed she had a crush on him. This threw him through a loop because he knew that while she was a pretty girl, he just had no feelings of attraction whatsoever to her. And because they were close, he didn't want to see her shed a tear from his rejection. 

He tried to talk to her about his sexuality and what he was feeling deep inside himself. But then she stabbed his mind with doubt with her poisonous words. She had torn his mind in two, telling him that just because his fathers were gay, didn't mean he was too. 

And this wasn't just a one-time thing. 

She had said these same words everyday of their last school year. 

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