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Emily: Hi again! Welcome back! And this time, Heidi can speak again!

Heidi: Yes...

Emily: And now you can pick a challenge for me.

Heidi: Start every word with the letter L for the whole chapter!

Emily: LOk, Llets Lget Lstarted!

Heidi: Our dare today is from...


BG: Hi there!

Heidi: So what's your dare, thebrokengirl1?

BG: I dare Lee to eat cakes in front of Stampy!

Emily: LHilarious!

Heidi: Bring Lee and Stampy in!

*Stampy and Lee enter*

Stampy: Am I in every dare?! Seriously!"

BG: I dare Lee to eat cakes in front of Stampy! Before Stampy can eat them!

Stampy: *starts to cry as they bring out the cakes*

Lee: *apologetically* Sorry, but- yum, they look good!

BG: 10 freshly baked cakes from Stampy's Hot Buns!

Stampy: *turns away* Ohhhhh, I can't look.

Emily: LYou Lhave Lto.

Lee: *starts to eat the cakes, stuffing them into his mouth*

Stampy: *screaming* No, it's torture! Stop it! Stop!!!!

Lee: *mouth full of cake* Stop whining! It's just cake! Really... Good cake.


Lee: *licking the plate clean* Ohhhh, that was good. Sorry, Stamps.

*Stampy and Lee walk out, Stampy crying and Lee licking his fingers*

Heidi: Thanks for coming to another dare, and thank you brokengirl1 for giving us that very entertaining dare.

BG: No problem.

Emily: LSo Lthat's Lall Lfor Lnow!"

Heidi: Byeeeeeee!

Magic Animal Club: Truth or Dare!Where stories live. Discover now