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Emily: Hi guys, it's Emily here and welcome back to a Magic Animal Club Truth or Dare! Again, I'm joined by Heidi-

Heidi: Who gets to give you a challenge!

Emily: *sighs* Ok, then, what is it?

Heidi: You know the words that appear above the keyboard on the iPhones? (If you don't look at the photo) Well, you have to press whatever words come up!

Emily: So I basically have to say random sentences?

Heidi: *nods* Starting... Now!

Emily: I am so happy!

Heidi: That's not very random.

Emily: If the government has been in a statement issued by the time of the day, I love it.

Heidi: That makes no sense... That's good.

Heidi: Our dare today is from pixie6362!

Emily: I have a great way to get my hair done tomorrow night with a new phone.

Pixie: *pointing to Emily* Um... Is she feeling ok?

Heidi: It's just a challenge I set her.

Emily: I love you so much better if you don't know what to wear!

Heidi: Just shut up already! Speaking of shut up, pixie6362? Would you tell us your dare?

Pixie: Stampy calls squid but is only allowed to say shut up!

Emily: The best thing about being able to see you at the end of the year before I go back to sleep is that I can see you in a row!

Heidi: *glares at Emily* Get Stampy. And just... Be quiet.

*Stampy enters*

Stampy: *gets on his knees, looking to the skies* Why me again?!

Heidi: I don't know Stampy. Just tell him the dare.

Pixie: You have to call Squid, but you are only allowed to say shut up!

Stampy: *grabs out his phone and calls Squid*

Squid: *picks up* Hello Stampy! To what do I owe this lovely call?

Stampy: *rolling his eyes* Shut up.

Squid: Ok, Stampy, I was just trying to make the call humorous.

Stampy: Shut up.

Squid: Ok, I'll start the conversation then.

Stampy: Shut up.

Squid: *singing* Why have you got to be so rude....

Stampy: *grinning* Shut up!

Squid: *starting to get annoyed* Stampy, stop saying shut up!

Stampy: *still grinning* Shut up!

Squid: If you don't stop, I'm hanging up!

Stampy: *pauses for a minute*

Squid: Stamps?

Stampy: Shut up! *smiles*

-----call ended-----

Emily: I am so excited! This one was a great way for a while ago but the best thing about the future is that time goes by the end of space! The best thing to ever about to be in a statement from Jupiter said that he had been a while and I don't have work in progress every time. We have a lot of more of an international old and keep it real with the jet stream pieces of Yet I love you!

Heidi: Makes no sense, but that call was pretty funny!

Stampy: *shakes pixie's hand* I need more dares like that! That felt good! *skips happily away*

Heidi: Thanks to pixie6362, for that pretty awesome and entertaining dare!

Pixie: No problem!

Heidi: Thanks to you guys, and bye!

Emily: A new phone case is the best thing ever!

(Yes it is Emily. Yes it is.)

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