Chapter 20, The Journey Ahead

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Please note: This Chapter might be boring.  It is necessary to advance the plot.  Enjoy!


One Month Later,

"Your majesty," I addressed Emperor Zhou, as he sat at the head of the room, next to Sheikh Malik. While this was normally never the custom in an official capacity, the banquet was a much more casual celebration to celebrate our arrival and the prospect of signing a favorable trade agreement. Off to the sides, his concubines sat in their finest robes of soft, pale lavenders, light blues, reds, pinks, purples, cream and whites, their complexions as white as milk and smooth. They were awfully young and I could not seem to look away from their beauty, their long, dark hair artfully decorated with interwoven jewelry. "We thank you for this banquet and are quite honored by this feast."

Sheikh Malik and the rest of our caravan had arrived in Emperor Zhou's palace nearly a week ago. It was the first time I had seen such a drastic change from the deserts of the Kingdom of Maghreb to the lushness of these lands. Emperor Zhou acknowledged my gratitude, as the dancers before us began to entertain us, peaceful music playing along on their stringed instruments and flutes.

I watched fascinated. The manner of dress of these people were vastly different than what I was used to in long robes that swept the floor. It was all so illuminating. While Sheikh Malik and the others were dressed in their regular attire, I did not dare dress in accordance to my sex. In fact, I still kept the shawl around me, only uncovering my eyes. The others around me pondered at my strange way of dressing, but they had accepted it as a natural part of our customs and culture. In an effort to stave off the curiosity even Jabil and our guards posed in the same manner of dress.

Sheikh Malik remained solid, implacable even, presenting a most serious front. He was a representative of the Sultan from our kingdom and it was his duty to ensure that our image was preserved that way. There was an undercurrent of power that I could recognize, even as I carefully observed their exchange. Neither parties were willing to acquiesce to the other, for that would mean a grave insult. Sheikh Malik, was in his own right, part of the royal family, a ruler, and thus was granted the same respect. To disrespect him by stationing him farther or below, where we were situated, than the concubines to Emperor Zhou would mean disrespect to the Sultan himself.

I spoke in their language, those around us surprised by my fluency. Two other translators and several financial advisors to the Sheikh were also here. I could tell from their expressions that this was a most unusual entertainment, the dancers moving in such unison and so gracefully. They carried delicate fans to which they showed off delicate hand movements in time with the beat of the music. They moved in a choreographed manner, almost gliding along the floor.

The servants placed food in front of us. The concubines ate with such decorum and grace that I felt completely inadequate, as they enjoyed the entertainment. Their female attendants stood behind them, their heads bowed, hands clasped in front of them in their fine garments. The concubines and the Emperor wore silk, the finest in the land, yet the servants wore clothing of hemp material and were decidedly much plainer than their mistresses.

Jabil stood beside me. I turned towards him and motioned for him to come and partake in the food. He refused at first, before I glared at him.

"It is not proper, Zeynab," Jabil answered, as he gave in and sat beside me. It had taken some time, but I had convinced him that it might be proper to address me by name, instead of my title. Suspicion would settle amongst the men, if they knew who I truly was.

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