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This chapter is dedicated to @Estmay for being the first to vote on this book. Thanks dear.

Juliet walked out of Uncle Sam’s room after he went to the bathroom. He always went to the bathroom after he pees on her hand.

Ewwwwwww! Juliet mumbled, now she has to go and wash her face and her mouth.

Juliet! Juliet! Her mum called.

Ma! I’m coming. Juliet replied and went to meet her mum in the sitting room.

Her mum had come back from the shop and was watching a Yoruba movie on Africa Magic. Juliet preferred watching The Classic Movie channel because she enjoyed all the epic movies they showed. Her favorite was Harry Potter.

Where have you been? Juliet’s mum asked.

I was with Uncle Sam. He wanted me to play-

That’s okay Juliet! ‘I told you not to talk too much”. Juliet’s mum cuts her short.

But mummy, I want to tell you about what- 

Oh oh oh! Juliet! Please, don’t disturb me right now. I was calling you to tell you that your food is on the dining table. Go and pick it up and eat.  Her mum cuts in.

Juliet walked to the dining room to eat her lunch. Her siblings were already eating theirs. Christabel was feeding the 3 year olds. Juliet played with their cheeks before sitting down.

Juliet, what took you so long sef? Christabel asked

I was talking to mummy. Juliet replied.
Juliet went to her room to do her assignment. She does not ask anyone to help her with it most times because she knows the answers. But anytime she finds it difficult to do, she takes it to Christabel to help her with it.

Juliet! Juliet! Where are you? “Daddy is calling you”... Christabel called.

Juliet ran out, she was so excited. Her dad is usually so busy working to provide for the family. He only spends Sundays with them. Juliet went to the sitting room to meet her father. He was watching Sport news. Her dad was an Arsenal fan, so he always watches news about them. Juliet ran into his arms.

Daddy! Ekaabo sir! (welcome sir)” Juliet greeted him.

How are you my princess? He asked

I am fine daddy. Ehn ehn daddy, I want to tell you something. Juliet said.

Okay, I am listening. He said.

Just as she was about to talk to her dad, Sam walked into the sitting room and greeted his uncle. The moment he saw Juliet he knew that she might talk about his escapades with her. So he decided to engage her father in talks about his university admission.

But daddy! I wanted to tell you something. Juliet cried.

Sorry, my princess, I will talk to you later. Okay! Here, take these biscuits. I know they are your favorites, so I bought them for you. Make sure you share with your elder sister, Christabel but don’t give the twins more than one because they are too young for too much sweets. Don’t eat it tonight ooo” he said.

Thank you daddy!! Okay Daddy, Goodnight daddy goodnight uncle Sam.  Juliet said

After Juliet left the sitting room, Sam smiled and thought about other things he wanted to do with Juliet. She was so easy to get to do whatever he wanted.

Sam! Sam! Samuel! Juliet’s father shouted

Sir! Sam replied.

He had completely forgotten that he was with Juliet’s father.

Sorry sir! He apologised.

Where did you travel to? Juliet’s father asked.

"Nowhere sir, I was just praying in my mind. I was praying to God to give me the admission." Sam lied

"You will get it, don’t worry. Now go to your room to prepare for your exams before you sleep. Good night." Juliet’s father said.

Good night sir! Sam said and walked to his room.


PHEW!!! Finally done with it.

I'm so sorry for late update.

Please don't forget to vote and comment.

Till next time. Bye guys.😍😍😘😘

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