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Sophie POV

As I pull Fitz outside, I can see him taking deep, slow breaths. We get to my locker and I turn to face him.

"Fitz," I say gently, "Jensi didn't do anything. He doesn't know about Keefe."

"I know, Sophie," he responds. "I know! I just hate this!" His grip on my hand tightens to a point where it is almost painful. I can feel myself blush, even though this is not the time. 

I reach out with my mind, and our Cognate rings snap together. Fitz, look at me. He does. I know how upsetting this is. It's upsetting for all of us. But we can't let that stop us. Maybe Keefe is with the Neverseen now. But we have to believe that he will come back. We have to believe that he is doing this for a good reason. And if not, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. He saved me. He put a crystal in the necklace, maybe not for that moment, but he still did it.

Yeah, he saved you. Don't you see what that means, Sophie?

I just said what that means.

Sophie, he saved you. And you know why it was you.

He would do the same for any of us.

Fitz laughed. Sure.

Why are you being like this?

Can't you see? Keefe likes you.

Of course he likes me. I'm his friend.   I sigh, not knowing where Fitz was going with this. Unless he meant a different kind of like. No, that was impossible-

It's very possible. And everyone knows except you. That's part of why Biana didn't like you at first.

I forgot you could here my thoughts. Wait you mean he liked me, like like liked me, since then?


I don't know what to say to that.   My head was spinning. I still didn't fully believe it. I don't believe you. There's no way Keefe liked me.

Likes you, not liked you. He sounded sad.

No, he doesn't. I shove that into a mental box labeled "Think About Later." And we got off track. The point is, everything's going to be fine.

I hope you're right, Sophie. I really do. About both things.

I am. And why would you hope that Keefe doesn't- you know what, never mind. Now let's go back to lunch.

As we were walking back, the bell started ringing. 

"Never mind, let's go to Telepathy," I say.

"We have Telepathy?" Fitz asks, seeming excited.

"Yeah, why do you think I said I was getting my Telepathy book? Come on, we don't want to be late."

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