Chapter 3

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Rachel's POV

After Finn dropped me off and I went inside I saw Beth in the living room in her playpen. I saw she was started to get fussy so I walked over to her and picked her up.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked her

She just gave me a smile I couldn't help but give her a big hug.

"You know you're very lucky to have Shelby, Quinn, and Puck they love you very much" I said with my eyes getting watery

She just stared at me with her beautiful green eyes. Just then Shelby walked into the room.

"Hi Rachel" she said with a smile

"Hi um I walked in and I saw she was getting fussy so I just picked her up" I said and handed Beth over to her

"Thank you" she said with a smile

"I'll be in my room" I said

"Wait Rachel Mr.Shue called me and told me you ran off crying is that true?" She asked worried

"I have homework to do" I said avoiding the question

"Rachel please talk to me" she said sad

"Okay yes I ran off crying I went to the cemetery I didn't care if school wasn't even over I ran there" I said with tears going down my face

"It's okay but I just want you to talk to me we're all here for you" she said

"Look I don't wanna talk okay I had a rough day at school and to be honest with you I really don't wanna go this whole week so can I just stay home please" I told her

"Let me think about it okay and I'll get back to you on that" she said as she put Beth down her play pen again

"Okay" I said and went upstairs to my room.

As I was about to get into my room I just stared at my dads room Finn has it locked I really just wanna be in there right now. I just opened my door and went inside my room.

I changed out of my clothes and just through on some sweatpants and a tank top and put my hair up in a messy bun. I walked over to my closet and took out my dad old college sweater I walked back to my bed and laid down and just held it close to my chest.

"I really miss you guys" I said and started to cry that's the only thing that gets me to sleep is just crying.

But today I couldn't sleep so I stop crying and I put my dad sweater back in my closet and I heard my phone ring I checked who it was my grandpa Berry.

"Hello" I said as I wiped my tears

"Sweetie where you just crying?" My grandpa asked me

"Yeah" I said with sniffles

"Are you okay do you need us to come down there?" He asked worried.

"No it's okay papa" I said

"I'm calling to see how was your first day of school?" He asked

"It was rough people were just staring and whispering" I said

"I'm sorry honey they'll forget soon" he said

"I doubt it" I said sad

"What's wrong?" He asked worried

"Papa I just miss them so much I wish they were here with me like today in glee club I was singing I didn't even finish the song I just broke down and I ran off" I said crying already

"Oh honey where did you run off too?" He asked sad

"The cemetery I just cried to them" I said crying

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