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You laid down in your bed, casually scrolling through your Rotom phone. Your covers were pulled up to your chin, covering your entire body. The clock next on the stand read 4:30 p.m., just a couple hours before dinner. Your mum was cooking in the kitchen, and the smell of curry wafted to you.
You became lost in your thoughts, drifting off into your own imaginary world. You imagined many different places, meeting so many people. You had a habit of doing this. Your short attention span often resulted in you daydreaming. Sometimes, a minute or two, and sometimes much longer. You loved spending time alone with you and your imagination. The only bad part was that you often zoned out when someone was talking.
Unaware of how much time passed, the phone buzzed in your hand. Looking down, you saw Hop's name appear on the screen. Clicking on the message, you smiled as your eyes scanned the black letters.

Hey (Y/N)! I have some great news. Do you want to come over for a little bit?

Excitement rushed through you. Hop had been your best friend for a long time, ever since you two were little. Every moment spent with him was a good one. If he had something exciting to tell you, it was bound to be good.

Yeah, I will be over in a few seconds!

Quickly, you leaped out of bed and got ready. Brushing your hair, you slid your phone in your pocket and walked into the kitchen. You took a quick sip of water from your glass on the table, swallowing and wiping your mouth. You ran towards the door, only stopping for a moment when your mum called out,

"Where do you think you're going?" She crossed her arms while looking at you, a spatula in one hand and a rag in the other. Munchlax was standing besides her, clearly preparing to kick the used dishes.

"Hop said he has good news to tell me! I'll be back before dinner, " You quickly explained. " Hey, can Hop come over to eat too?" You slipped your shoes on, standing up and flattening your dress. You hurried over and gave your mom a quick hug, which she gladly returned.

"I don't see why not... Have fun, I love you! " She turned back to cooking, adding a little more broth for the additional mouth. You hurried back to the door, a little extra bounce in your step.

"Thanks mum! I love you too!"

With that, you ran out the door and down the street. Wooloo were rolling in their flocks while Rookidee flew in the sky above. The sun was hiding behind a few clouds, casting rays into the ground that made various patterns.
Hop lived extremely close, and you could see his house from your window. Sometimes you guys liked to make faces at each other through your windows, which always ended in a laugh. A few times you would even play rock paper scissors, which Hop had a knack for. You smiled at the thoughts, slowing down as you approached his door. His house was much larger than most of the homes in Potswick, considering his entire family seemed to live there. Knocking, you rolled back and forth on your heels. It was just a few moments before Hop's mum opened the door, smiling when she saw you.

"(Y/N)! Hop is upstairs waiting for you'" she explained, opening the door wider so you could come inside.

"Thank you!" You smiled and thanked her politely as you passed. Hop's mum was a very nice lady, and she had always taken a liking to you.

You creeped up the stairs slowly, hoping to scare Hop. He had always been filled with energy, making him jumpy as well. He didn't get scared normally, but jumping out at him was an easy way to make him scream.
Quietly rounding the corner, you approached his room. It was at one end of the hallway, opposite of Leon's. The door was slightly cracked, and you heard Hop shouting at his phone.

"Get him Lee! Go Charizard! You never stood a chance Raihan!"

You smiled to yourself, realizing be must be watching Leon's match. As the brother of the unbeatable champion, Hop was his biggest fan. He watched his matches religiously, and always studied them after they were done. He bragged to you on more than one occasion how one day he was going to be the best trainer Galar had ever seen. Ever since Leon became champion, Hop's goal was to beat him. He always explained his dream to you, claiming he would beat his older brother. You always encouraged him, even though you knew it would be a huge feat to accomplish. It was great that he had such a big dream, and you would be lying if you said you didn't want to help him achieve it.
You shook youd head, clearing your mind of the straying thoughts. Standing up slowly, you burst into the room, yelling and waving your arms around like a maniac. Hop let out a yelp of surprise, tossing his phone across the room and nearly falling off his bed. You clutched your stomach in laughter, while Hop pushed himself to his feet and gave you a stern look.

Chasing the Dream (Hop × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now