Chapter One

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You were sitting on the couch, watching a video about Pokémon on your phone. Turns out, there were a ton more out there than you could've ever imagined. And many different regions, too. You made a vow to yourself, that you would explore all of these someday. That would be amazing, traveling the world and meeting all new friends. Maybe you could convince Hop to come with you. Speaking of the devil, a knock on the door interrupted you from your thoughts, and you glanced up. Hop was standing in the doorway, your mom holding the door for him. They spoke a quick greeting to each other before he waved to you, his face bright and eager.

"Hey (Y/N)! It's the big day, how can you be sitting down? Don't you remember what is going to happen?" The words tumbled out of his mouth, and he was practically shaking with excitement.

"How could I ever forget? You haven't stopped talking about it since you told me yesterday." You smiled, not wanting to admit you hadn't been able to stop thinking about it either.

" Right..., " Hop rubbed his head, grinning. "Well, come on, let's go! Lee will be at Wedgehurst Station any minute now, and I don't want to miss a second of it. Oh yeah, and don't forget your bag!" With that, Hop turned and ran out the door. You stared at where he left for a few seconds, and then laughed quietly to yourself. Hop never seemed to slow down. Standing up, you walked over to your room. Grabbing your bag, you tossed it over your shoulders. It was your mom's old one, and she had given it to you a couple of years ago. Flattening your dress and fixing your hat, you walked outside. The breeze hit your face almost instantly, realizing your muscles you hadn't realized tensed. Looking down, you saw Hop staring at you with a smile.

"Decided to wait on me after all, eh?" You joked, bouncing down the steps to stand in front of him.

" I figured you might want a guide or something, " Hop smirked, and you rolled your eyes. One time. You got lost one time many years ago when you tried going to the small village on your own. You had went the complete opposite way, and Hop found you wandering in circles. He had never let you live it down, either.

"It was one time, Hop. I know the way know," you defended yourself .

" I don't know how you missed it in the first place! You can literally see it, right past route one. I swear, you're almost as bad as Lee when it comes to directions! " He joked, and you playfully punched his shoulder as you walked past. Hop grinned, following close behind you. The sound of a slight crash caused you both to turn around, only to spot a Wooloo rolling into the fence that blocked Potswick from Slumberingweld. He kept rolling into it, almost as if he was trying to break it down.

"Silly Wooloo, doesn't he know he can't go in there? Hey Wooloo, cut that out!" Hop called , and the sheep Pokémon gave him a baa in response.

"Wooloo whisperer," you teased, and Hop just shrugged.

"What can I say? I'm already able to control Pokémon!" He bragged, folding his arms across his chest.

Control is a stretch... You thought, remembering the time his Wooloo had decided he wanted to take a swim. He demanded Wooloo to get out, but he just wouldn't listen. Hop ended having to get him out himself, and it was messy. You of course thought it was the funniest thing, and he wasn't pleased with you. You looked up, seeing Hop running ahead. He called back over his shoulder, "remember not to go into the talk grass (Y/N)! Pokèmon wander around in there, and you have no way to defend yourself!" You just nodded a quick response, running behind him. The wind flew past your face, and you smiled as you approached the train station. Maybe Hop was right, and this was the start of your adventures. The thought of going on a journey with your best friend made your heart soar.

You slowed down as you approached the back of the large crowd, peeking around them. Leon was standing at the front next to his Charizard, and did his special pose. The crowd went nuts, and you clapped your hands. He was saying something, but you didn't notice. Your attention was focused on Hop, who was jumping around like and idiot waving his arms and calling his older brother's name. He is so good at making a fool of himself... you thought. Leon glanced over, smiling. He dismissed the crowd, and walked over to where the two of you were standing.

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