Chapter 6

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No one's pov: 

After coming up with what the VK's thought was a full proof plan they decide it was time to sneak out and grab the wand. Mal stuck her head out the door quickly looking both ways before motioning that the coast was clear. 

After they made it out of the building without being posted they start to head for the road towards the museum, little did they know someone had spotted them from a window and growing quickly curious the figure followed close behind them in the shadows.


Zara's pov: 

I was laying in my bed not able to sleep my mind spinning trying to figure out why I can't bring myself to hate Jay, his father did so many bad things to my family and there's no saying what he could do, I mean he was raised by Jafar. 

After a couple of hours of not sleeping, I go to open my window to let in some fresh air when I spot four figures running across the field. I can't make out who they are from my window, but from the time of night and the number of figures there are, I have my fair guesses.

 I can't sleep so I decided, why not follow the group and see what they're up to, before you say anything, yes I know I'm a princess and should follow the curfew but I can't sleep, I'm bored, and those people aren't following curfew so if we get in trouble I won't be the only one. I mean my dad never was one to follow the rules so why should I follow them to a T.

I climb out the window slowly following the group when I see them running toward the museum. Why would anyone want to come here at this time of night? Then hear, "Come on, check your mirror." a girl quickly asks almost with a little panic, "Is my mascara smudged?" I roll my eye at the question but also a little surprised I thought this group was going to be the VK's but hearing a question like that the group has to at least have a few princesses. 

"Yeah. And hey, while you're at it, why don't you see if you can find us the wand." Just as I'm about to turn and leave I hear that sarcastic reply in a family voice, it sounded like Mal. Why was she so interested in Fairy Godmother's wand. I turn back around in my hiding spot but I must have made a noise because I hear a warm familiar voice tell the others, "Stop." shit! is all I can think.

"What is it, Jay?" Mal asks. "I heard something I think someone's following us." Jay tells the group I hold my breath ready to be caught when I hear Mal respond, "No one's following us, none of those goodie-two-shoes are going to break curfew and follow us." I see what I'm assuming Jay's shadow nod, "You're probably right, ok let's continue the plan, so Evie which way?"

"Oh right, this way," Evie responds as the round the corner. Though I'm glad I wasn't caught it really just got me interested in what they're up to, so I decide to follow a little long but decide to be a little more cautious this time.

Now I can see the four under the light of the front entrance looking in, after a second the four duck away from the doors, oh right the guard. Once they look back in the doors I hear Jay laugh, "That's your mother's  spinning wheel?" I hear Carlos laugh before adding, "Ya, kinda dorky." 

"It's magic it doesn't have to look scary." Mal quickly defends her mother's wheel. "Magic spindle do not linger make my victim prick a finger," Mal whispers, but nothing seems to happen. "Impressive." Jay says with a serious voice, "I got chills." Carlos adds they share a quick laugh making fun of Mal.

That's when I realize Mal's trying to cast a spell on the guard to get in I put my hand over my mouth my mind filling with thoughts of what they're trying to do and if I should tell someone. I decided that it was time to get out of there before I became a victim of one of her spells.

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