Chapter 7

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I groan as my head pounds as a result of the time jump and I immediately check to make sure there's no blood dripping down my face, thankfully I seem to be in the clear.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Rip asks us as I slowly lift up my restraints carefully so as to not agitate the throbbing pain in my head.

"Walk in the park, where are we now?" Snart asks the captain.

"Washington, D.C. the year is 1986." Rip says spinning his chair to face us.

"We've landed at the height of the Cold War in a world poised for nuclear annihilation." Stein informs whilst standing up.

"We've traveled here because I have a new lead on Vandal Savage's location." Gideon appears in the center of the room.

"Yes, Gideon managed to intercept this telefax concerning Savage's last known whereabouts." Rip tells us.

"A tele-what?" Jax asks approaching the console and I do the same, finally free of that pestering headache. I look down at the console to see a document that has the majority of the info blacked out.

"It's like an email, on paper." Ray tells Jax with a grin.

"Wow, that's totally useless." Mick growls after glancing at the blacked out document.

"Um, Rip, you are aware that everything's blacked out right?" I ask the captain after failing to get any information out of the document.

"Yeah, redacted by the US government, which is why we are here to steal the original file on Savage back from those who are tracking him." Rip says turning to face the front of the Waverider. We all follow suit, looking out the large window and my jaw drops at what I see-- The Pentagon. Rip wants us to break into the Pentagon.

"Uh, that's the.." Ray trails off in shock.

"Now, Now-- don't worry, we're cloaked." Rip tells us which does nothing to soothe my nerves.

"You want us to break into the Pentagon? Sounds Awesome." Mick says and I roll my eyes at the arsonist.

"It sounds crazy." Kendra corrects Mick.

"Oh no, we're past crazy, this is insanity." I say yet Sara doesn't seem to share our thoughts.

"What's the plan?" Sara asks coolly.

"Oh, the Fabricator will fashion you the necessary Pentagon credentials." Rip tells us.

"Ooh, and don't forget our G-man disguises-- I always wanted to be a spy." Ray says with pep and I laugh at the upbeat man.


Kendra, Sara and I are walking together disguised in army uniforms. We march our way towards Snart and Ray to retrieve a key card from the crook. As we walk by the janitor duo Snart passes Sara the key card discreetly. We continue walking with stiff posture until we come to a door. I glance at Sara as she swipes the key card opening the door.

"The records room has closed-circuit cameras, we need a diversion." Rip tells us over comms as we start searching for the file on Vandal Savage.

"Someone call my name?" I hear Mick's gruff voice reply over comms. I look around until I find the S's and I quickly start sifting through files until I see V. Savage written on a folder.

"Found it." I whisper sharply to the girls snatching the file and tossing it to Sara.

"We got the file." Sara tells the team over comms as we exit the records room.

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