Chapter 11 : Exhibition Day

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"Zhanzhan, let's go there" Yibo said pointing at a department store.
"Why? You need to buy something?"asked Zhan.
"Umm..yes. Let's go" Yibo pulled Zhan by his hand and ran towards the store. Zhan's eyes again fell on their intertwined hands, a small smile showed up on his face. They went to the department store. Yibo brought him to the sweets section.
"What are we doing here? I thought you didn't like sweets!"
"Hmm.. I don't..but you do"
"Choose any chocolate you want. I'll buy it for you" Yibo said with a big smile.
"Why are you buying me chocolates?"
"Because I wanted to. I know you love chocolate". Yibo bought Zhan five different chocolate bars. Zhan was happy and hopping around like a bunny. Yibo smiled looking at Zhan's kid like behaviour.

Zhan and Yibo went back to their uni. On the way to their dorm they met Fanxing and Guo Cheng who just finished having dinner at the cafeteria and was also going back to their dorm. Zhan introduced them to and Yibo to them. Zhan and Yibo planned for eating lunch together next day before getting in to their respective rooms.

"So.. Don't you think it's time for you to explain?" Zhan asked as soon as he got in to his room.
"Explain what?" asked Guo Cheng and Fanxing in unison.
"You know...the guys were doing before I left...!" said Zhan smirking.
"Ummm...uhhh...about that..." Guo Cheng started but Fanxing cut him off in the middle, "Nothing to explain.. we like each other.. there is nothing wrong in kissing someone you like when the other feels the same". Zhan and Guo Chen was stunned by listening Fanxing's way of talking. Never ever did he talked this bold.
"Woah...Fanxing, you're so bold today. So are you guys together now?" asked Zhan with curiosity.
"Yes, we are" said Fanxing. Zhan chuckled shaking his head.
"Now it's your turn to explain things" Guo Cheng said.
"About what?" Zhan asked dumbfounded.
"Is it Yibo? The one you're in love with. He's just your best friend?"
"What are you talking about?" Zhan asked looking away from Guo Chengs gaze.
"You know what I'm talking about. You love Yibo, don't you? It's Yibo who you told us about right! You rejected the girl from your class who confessed  to you because you're in love with your best friend" Guo Cheng said looking at Zhan, who's gaze was somewhere else.
"Shut up!" Zhan said as he was trying hard to hold his emotions.
"Zhan.....  You're hurting yourself. You don't know if he'll reject you or not. He's your best friend dude. He knows you like forever. He'll understand you. How long are you gonna keep your feelings to yourself and not confess?" asked Cheng with sympathetic voice.
"I don't know ok! I'm afraid to lose him. Just....aiyaaa...fuck it.. I don't wanna talk about it now" Zhan said leaving a deep sigh.
"Cheng..let it go for now" Fanxing said to Cheng almost whispering.

On the other side Hao Xuan was curious why Yibo was so happy today.
"Yibo, are you drunk? I never saw you smiling like this" Hao Xuan said.
"No I'm not. I'm just happy"
"Why? Is there something special?"
"Of course there is. I just met my best friend after years and spent some time with him. I'm so happy to see him close to me". Hao Xuan listned to Yibo's explanation with wide eyes. 'Surely this lad is in love but too stupid to see it' Hao Xuan thought to himself.
"Yibo, you're talking as if you went on a date with your girlfriend. Tell me, do you love Xiao Zhan?" asked Xuan with a teasing tone in his voice.
"Yes... I mean he's my best friend, of course I love him. He means the world to me. I came back for him, didn't I?"
Listening Yibo, Hao Xuan face palmed himself.

*The next morning*

"Xiao Zhan have you finished your paintings?" the teacher asked Zhan after their class ends.
"Yes sir. I've finished them yesterday"
"Good. Send the paintings to the exhibition gallery manager at lunch hour. The exhibition well held after three days"
"Ok sir" Zhan said before the teacher went out if the class. Zhan went out right after the teacher and called Yibo.
"Hello, Yibo"
"Hi Zhanzhan. Where are you?" asked Yibo.
"I just finished my morning class for today"
"Oh. Is there something you wanna say?"
"Umm..yeah. Actually I can't have lunch with you today. I have to send the paintings to the gallery manager at lunch hour" explained Zhan.
"It's fine. Then I'll come help you with it"
"You don't have to. You can have lunch with your friends"
"Aiya.. Don't talk much. Come down. I'm waiting for you"
"Uh.. You're here already".
Zhan quickly came down as his class was in 4th floor. He saw Yibo was waiting for him in front of his faculty. He felt butterflies flying inside his stomach and a wide smile showed up on his face as he approached Yibo.
"When did you come here?" asked Zhan smiling.
"I came here 30min ago".
"What!! Why?" asked Zhan dumbfounded.
"To pick you up of course".
"You're behaving as if you're picking up your girlfriend" Zhan said rolling his eyes.
"I'm picking up my best friend. Didn't I always used to wait for you? Come on, let's go". With saying this Yibo took Zhan's hand and started walking. Zhan's heart was beating really fast. 'Does he feels the same about me?' Zhan thought to himself. Heat started rising on his face. 'Aish stupid..he just treats you like a friend. That's it, nothing more..nothing less... Don't think crazy stuff' his inner self told him.

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