Chapter 1 ~ What's a Hogwarts?

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Quick A/N: Welcome to my Draco Malfoy fanfiction! I'd just like to clarify a few things: this is not set in the 80's as the books were, so expect a few references to modern-day. Also, writing this in hindsight: when I first started this story I was a very different writer with different intentions for the story. If the beginning doesn't grab you as it's too cringey or cliché then don't worry! You might just like what you get in later chapters. This story was originally written on Quotev and I've decided to upload it here as well. It's one of my favourite stories that I've written, and maybe one day I'll upload some of my other stories here as well. Please feel free to heart if you enjoy and comment, constructive criticism is also fully welcome! And with that, I hope you enjoy my loves!


        "Skye! Hermione's here!" My mother called from downstairs. My face lit up, and I ripped my bedroom door off its hinges (not really), bolted down the stairs, and tore the front door open to see my best friend in the whole world standing there smiling; Hermione Granger.
"Mione!" I squealed, and we both threw ourselves at each other, jumping around like absolute maniacs.
        "I've missed you so much, Ska*!" She screamed.
        "I missed you too!" We calmed down and let go, smiling widely. We hadn't seen one another for weeks on end, so all of our built-up craziness was finally released in a huge outburst of hot mess kerfuffle. Our parents smiled at us as we ran upstairs to my room to get Hermione unpacked. In celebration for her coming back from Paris, we decided to have a nice sleep over as it was the summer holidays. I rolled out both our sleeping bags while she laid out her pyjamas in neat piles by my wardrobe. Finally, we'd finished, and we were now sitting on the floor.
        "Come on! Tell me EVERYTHING about Paris!! What was it like? How was the food? Who did you meet? How was the food? Have I already asked that? Should I shut up now? Alright then..." I shut up awkwardly and Hermione giggled a little.
        "Oh, Skye, you haven't changed a bit! Well, Paris was very glamorous, the food was incredible, I met a couple of nice girls who were very pretty. You know, blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, all the works... Generally it was awesome, but I would have preferred it if you were there though."
         "Aww, Mione!" I hugged her tightly. "That sounds brilliant! I'm kind of hungry now..." As if it heard, my stomach rumbled loudly.
        "When are you ever not hungry?"
        "My heart!" I yelled dramatically, clutching my heart and falling backwards onto my carpet. We both laughed loudly. After about an hour of girly chit chat and Hermione's parents had left, Mum called us down for fish and chips for tea.
        "How much vinegar do you need?" Hermione asked, her nose scrunching slightly at the sour scent of vinegar.
        "Enough to drown a whale, dear Hermione. Enough to drown a whale." I replied, finishing with the vinegar that now drowned my chips.


        After tea and our favourite film (Avengers Assemble) we headed up to bed, half-shattered yet ready to stay up watching more films and eating popcorn. I put on Teh Lurd of Teh Reings (Lord of the Rings) and we sat there, eyes glued to the small screen.
        "Why is Legolas so beautiful?" I thought out loud.
        "Ooh, don't get me started on Aragorn, mate." Hermione replied, and we continued to drool over the sheer beauty of our favourite characters. We fell asleep just as Galadriel had welcomed The Fellowship, drifting into pleasant dreams of hobbits, wizards and chips.
        "Skye! Hermione! Wake up! You've got letters, both of you!"
        "Ugh..." I groaned and sat up, Hermione already on her feet. Mum was at the door holding two letters, and Hermione went over to get them, then coming back staring at the envelopes in confusion. I rubbed my eyes,
        "What is it?" She handed me my envelope and I studied it with my sleep-deprived vision.

Miss Skye Winters
The Bedroom Over The Kitchen
21 Harrow Rose Lane

        I read the neat, green inked handwriting carefully, now looking just as confused as Hermione before me. Cautiously, I opened the envelope, but not before noticing the wax seal.
"What the fuck is Hogwarts?!" I asked out loud. Luckily Hermione was to absorbed in her letter to realize my profanity. I opened the letter and read the text inside which was in the same neat, green handwriting as before.

Dear Miss Winters,
I am happy to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment (to be found in Diagon Alley). Term begins on September 1st. You will receive your ticket for the Hogwarts Express after you have sent your owl of confirmation. We await your owl by no later than July 31st.
Yours sincerely,
Prof. McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress

        I slowly looked up to Hermione, a huge grin plastered on both our faces. I screeched and got up, her following and we both jumped around wildly.
       "We're going to Hogwarts! We're going to Hogwarts! WE'RE GOING TO HOGWARTS!!" We both chanted. A new adventure awaited us. The best one of our lives!


Ska* = Short version of Skye; Hermione's nickname for Skye.
A/N: Hey guys! So this is my Harry Potter fanfiction! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and be sure to favourite in order to get (hopefully) regular updates on this story. Loves y'all, and ride on my little hobbits! Xxx

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