Chapter 4 ~ Life in Slytherin House

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        I froze. I was in Slytherin. Sure, I had defended it, but it did come as quite a shock considering its reputation. I didn't dare look at the Gryffindor table. The Slytherin table clapped for me, and I slowly got up and walked over, my face devoid of any emotions. I noticed Malfoy looking at me, a scowl on his face.
        "Mudblood!" He called at me and everyone turned to me, some of them seemed angry. I sat down in front of a handsome, dark-skinned boy who was also a first-year.
        "How can you be a muggle-born? Your kind never get into Slytherin." He said as I looked around at the handful of disapproving faces feeling ashamed of who I was for a little while.
        "Well, there's a first time for everything I guess." A girl who was sitting next to him said. "Hi. My name's Bethany Zabini. This is my brother Blaise." She nodded to the boy who spoke before. He offered his hand.
        "I'm Skye Winters." I said, shaking his hand.
        "Don't listen to Malfoy." Bethany comforted, "He's kind of a stuck-up twit." We both laughed and Blaise smiled.
        "He may be my friend, but, you're right sis." The witch in green tapped her glass.
        "Your attention please." She called and Professor Dumbledore stood up.
        "Thank you, Professor McGonagall. Let the feast begin!" And in that moment the empty plates on the tables were filled up with tonnes of all my favourite foods. Once again, my eyes lit up with happiness.
        "Woah... I love magic!" I said, and dug in.


        Unfortunately, the feast came to an end, and the Slytherin Prefect led us to the dungeons where the Slytherin Common Room. Bethany, Blaise and I were happily conversing about random shit. They were actually very interested in the Muggle lifestyle, and I happily answered any questions they threw my way. I was glad to have some friends in this house. I felt at home at last! The Prefect showed us where the girls' and boys' dormitories were and immediately Bethany and I skipped up the stairs to the girls' dormitory and found our luggage beside our beds. We were sharing a dorm with two other girls; Millicent Bulstrode and Pansy Parkinson. Although Millicent was quiet, she was very nice once we got to know her, and also a highly misunderstood person. Pansy however... Was a downright spoilt, stuck up, pug-faced bitch just to put it simply. Always calling me 'Mudblood' no matter how many times Millicent and Bethany defended me. Anyways, on our first night while Pug-Face was trying to get her beauty sleep (she really needed it), my new friends and I were having a good old time playing explosive snap which was... Explosive to say the least.
        "So, Skye..." Bethany began.
        "Why do you think you're the first Muggleborn Slytherin?"
       "I honestly don't know, Beth. I mean, unless my parents are 'really wizards but they haven't told me about it for reasons unknown', which is of course ridiculous, then there is no logical explanation for it." I replied, completely oblivious to the fact that my theory may not have been as completely ridiculous as I first thought... We decided to go to sleep in order to be on time for classes tomorrow, so I bid Millicent and Bethany goodnight, and was conked out as soon as my head hit the soft pillow and began happily dreaming about dragons and bunnies... But then... Everything changed.


"Sam, you need to go with Skye! He's going to find her and kill her!"
"No, Jenny! I'm not leaving you! Skye is safe, we just need to give her time."
"Where... is she?"
"You'll never find her..."

*Dream Over*

        "AAAARRGGGHHH!!" I woke up screaming, cold sweat pouring down my face.
        "Skye! Are you okay? What's wrong?" Bethany was standing over me, shaking my shoulders.
         "I- It was- I-... W- What happened?"
         "You were screaming your sleep, like you were being tortured or something. It was really frightening. What were you dreaming about?"
         "It was weird. I think it was my parents... They were in pain. A lot of pain. I don't know why..."
         "Ugh, can you weirdos shut up?!" Pansy screamed at us and ran to the bathroom to get changed for school. Millicent had already gone down to breakfast. Bethany rolled her eyes and turned to me.
        "You should probably tell a teacher or something. Maybe Professor Snape or Professor McGonagall? We've got Transfiguration and Potions today with Gryffindor anyways." I nodded in response then remembered,
        "For breakfast, do you mind if I sit with my Gryffindor friends?"
        "I don't mind," Bethany shrugged, "I've got to make sure Blaise isn't wearing his jumper on backwards anyways!" We both laughed and changed into our school uniform. We then went down to the common room only to find a certain Malfoy lounging on the couch. He looked at me, and I nodded politely towards him.
        "Winters, wait." Bethany and I sighed and I turned around.
        "What do you want?"
        "I heard someone screaming this morning. I have a feeling it was you. Are you, umm, Are you o- okay?" I was rather taken aback at his worry.
        "Yes I'm fine, thank you. Just a bad dream."
        "Okay." He nodded. "Good. Well, see you around, I guess." I smiled and surprised him with a hug. After overcoming his shock, he then hugged me back gently.
        "This doesn't mean you can call me a Mudblood, Draco."
        "Y- Yeah. Of course. I promise I won't again... Skye."
        "Thank you. Well, we're going to breakfast now, so, see you in Transfiguration..." I waved to him politely, and Bethany and I walked to the Grand Hall. As I walked in, I saw Harry, Ron and Hermione sitting at the Gryffindor table, Hermione talking with another girl about Charms. I said goodbye to Bethany, and made my way over, plopping myself in between Harry and Hermione, hugging them in a gorilla-tight grip.
        "Hi guys!" Hermione started smiling excitedly and hugged me back while Harry just patted me gently. Soon, I let go and looked at Ron who seemed a little uncomfortable. "You alright, Ron?" He just nodded awkwardly.
        "Oh, Ron. Just 'cause she's a Slytherin doesn't mean she's a terrible person!" Hermione said and hugged me again. I told her about my new friends and how excited I was for Potions later on, and lastly, when the boys had left, about my nightmare. Hermione of course didn't know what to do except tell a teacher.
         "I think I'll do that after the lessons, y'know, just to see which teachers I can trust."
         "Good idea. Oh, I think Bethany's coming over." I looked up and sure enough, my new friend was making her way over.
        "Hi!" She said and stood beside us.
        "Hermione, this is Bethany. Bethany, this is Hermione." I said and they shook hands.
        "Hellooo!!" Bethany said cheerily and Hermione chuckled a 'helllllloooooo!!' back. They were gonna get along great.
        "Come on guys, let's go to Transfiguration!!" And I ran off in the superman pose, Mione and Beth following.

A/N: Hey guys! Jess here. Well, another chapter, Skye and Draco are friends again and new mysteries are evolving in this story! Just in case you were wondering, I'm merging both the books' and films' versions just cause following one might leave out some of my favourite scenes from the other, and vice versa. However, I'll mostly be following the films as I know them better. Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and please comment if there are any mistakes or you just want to share your opinion. Ride on my little hobbits! Xxx
~ Jess

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