Chapter 15 • Desire

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Credit to Hisasihun on twitter~ follow her she has amazing edits!


Jihyo helped Hoseok out of their main village. On his way back to Jimin and Yoongi he hid from werewolves and heard them saying that two vampires drank out of the human's blood. Which made his guess that maybe they are close than ever to Jeongguk and Taehyung.

Taehyung and Jeongguk woke up in the middle of the opened field, it was night already. Taehyung started to panic cuz he broke another rule (drank out of a mortal and let him live). Jeongguk tried to relax him cuz the most important thing was to find a place to hide.

Hoseok found Jimin and Yoongi with a huge relief. They stayed in the forest for another night cuz it was too dangerous to travel around. 

Taehyung and Jeongguk passed the opened field successfully. At their way they saw a small house with opened lights and a shadow looked at them :)

They reached the mountains and decided to sleep on a tree's branch just to hide from other Kindreds. The two cuddled and fell asleep c:


words: 5327


It's a present cuz I made you all wait too long 🤗❤️


Chapter 15 • Desire

Yesterday before sleep Jimin insisted that Hoseok will tell him about what happened when they split up. They stayed up a few minutes for Hoseok to spit it all out.

Yoongi listened to his story but also was very skeptical around him. He just continued to pray to Satan that no one will come, especially no demons.

The morning slowly came, and the first to wake up was Yoongi, again, he fell asleep. But he had no option, he also needed his rest.

He just hoped they will find Jeongguk and Taehyung today so they can go back to the mansion.

He slowly stood up, looked at the two others sleeping. "guys" he called them soothingly. Jimin slowly opened one eye, looked at the light around him, "is it morning already?" he asked sweetly, a little pout on his face.

"Yeah, we gotta continue, they are so close" the older said, felt soft of the 'morning Jimin', he then looked at the vampire next to him, saw him smiling and still sleeping, "HOBI!" he shouted made the latter's body startle. He sat up immediately, looked around him with wide eyes, "no! The butterfly!!!" he yelled.

"what?" Yoongi cocked a brow when Jimin giggled silently.

"Oh God..." Hoseok let out a relieved breath, "damn I had a nightmare!"

"About a butterfly?" Yoongi smirked, looked at him with judging eyes.

"yes! It was a fight between a huge butterfly against a fairy! and the butterfly's head suddenly turned into a dragon's head and it spit glue on the fairy AND-" suddenly he noticed Yoongi already walking away, Jimin chuckling of his panic and slowly walked after the oldest.

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