Welcome to Haven Mother Fu-

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(POV: 3rd)


The only thing in this world consuming all light force, and all the life force within. An entire conflict based on fairy tales now determines what is the fate of this world.

This world... Remnant.

50 years before the fall of beacon

As the shadow of a mountain casts over a nearby forest, a single entity looks down from over a cliff. The mistress of evil. Salem. She creates a pack of beowolves. They look up to her and she casts her hand outward, into the woods, for there is a village on the other side.

Salem: Hm... This will do just nicely.

???: Landscaping, darling?

The expression on her face changes from one of satisfaction to one of annoyed. She doesn't turn around.

Salem: Ozma. How have you been?

Oz: In all my days, which have been quite a few, I've seen better. It's Ozbourne now, by the way.

Salem: You'd think they'd run out of names with the same ridiculous start after the first few incarnations.

Oz: Well dear, life finds a way.

Salem finally turns around. She stares at Ozbourne for a while, but shrugs him off and turns around again.

Salem: Life, one that will soon end, again. You know I have to kill you now.

Oz: Yes, but let it be said, that I won't go down too easy now.

Salem: (Chuckles) Oh, Ozma. You still haven't learned, have you? Exactly what makes you think this fight will be any different than the last?

Ozbourne smiles and draws his cane.

Oz: I brought some help.

10 rounds are fired at Salem, a few of them break her aura but she engages it and summons a black cloud. The rest of the bullets are absorbed into the cloud and disappear. A man wearing all black with dark hair and shades lowers his rifle.

???: Well, you were definitely right about bullets being useless.

Oz: Only if her aura was at the fullest level.

???: Think you can tire her out?

Oz: I don't know. Can I darling?

The black cloud parts, revealing Salem's face. She is now smiling.

Salem: Don't flatter yourself, Ozma.

???: Really guys? Right now?

Oz: Forgive me, Monyreak. Shall we continue?

Monyreak: Indeed.

He waves his hands to form a force field from which he begins to shoot out what looks like pure energy. Salem levitates herself into the air and extends her hand, stopping the energy bolts and reversing them. She fires them back. They have little effect besides destroying the force field.

Monyreak: OZ! NOW!

Ozbourne jumps into the air and forms his own force field. It appears green as he closes his eyes and opens them again to show his focused aura. He floats toward Salem and they begin to engage in close quarters combat. Oz uses his cane in a sword fashion while Salem just absorbs the hits over and over until she blocks one of his attacks and kicks him back. Salem engulfs herself and Oz into a void of darkness. Using his aura to see, Oz rushes back to her and hits her repeatedly with his cane as Salem does her best to dodge. She retaliates by creating two grimm claws and slashing at him. Red tentacles with sharp ends shoot out from behind her and grab oz by the leg. They pull him down to the earth and slam him down. His aura begins to flicker. Salem lowers herself to him until a sword cuts him free of the tentacles. A large shriek escapes from the severed appendages. She growls in frustration but is hit from behind by a kick to the head. Another kick follows, but then the kicks turn into slashes of a sword. Salem steps back.

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