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Yesterday was good. No. Better than good. Yesterday was ineffable. It was— "Shit, where did I leave my phone?" The werewolf ran through the list of places it could be in his mind, checking off the places he had already searched. As he gazed around the cabin. It now had the look of a place that had been burgled. Damn, Jungkook had only cleaned the place the night before. Then it occurred to him, that you often find things as you tidy up, and he set about the task with a sort of meticulousness that was quite uncharacteristic of him. Where was Jungkook when you needed him? As Taehyung sifted and sorted his eyes were constantly on the look-out for any gleam of those rose-gold tints his phone sported. A few minutes had passed by now. Still nothing. "Damnit." The werewolf cursed, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and leaving for school, giving the room one more eye-sweep, before giving up.

.  .  .

Come to school past eight, and you'd go deaf. the roar of the children would make your grandchildren's eardrums burst, too. Taehyung slid off the table, his book hanging loosely between his fingers, and his mouth rhythmically moving the beat of his chewing gum, the sweet fragrance of strawberry wafting alongside the many other odours, albeit acrid ones, mostly. Taehyung tilted his head back, basking in the glory of the chaos. Everything was a bit off, today. He had lost his phone, for one, and also, the kids were all acting a bit weird, well weirder than usual he thought, they were buzzing with excitement as if something big had happened over the weekend. For a moment there he thought if news of Jungkook and him spread that quickly? No that can't be, this felt different, it was something else, judging by the looks of it. Taehyung still hadn't gotten a chance to talk to the vampire since he had bolted to some "interview" Saturday morning. Perhaps Jungkook was hanging out with his friends today, Taehyung thought, quickly turning to check outside the window he just passed, he saw a bunch of other kids, none of them were Jungkook, though. The werewolf furrowed his brows in slight confusion, but nonetheless chorusing his journey to the gate of the school. The main gate would sit at the front of the school, all students entering in their bodies of green and black, girls with their little cliques, boys and their rotten perverseness as they made jokes about the girls who walked in front of them. Whether it be this or that, they all walked together in their respective groups to the front of the school before splitting away. Taehyung trudged along the pavement at a sedate pace, his mind still focused on figuring out the reason to why everyone was buzzing with unusual ardour. "-Taehyung?" The werewolf snapped out of his muse; it seemed he had run into Kade. "A-ah, Kade, sorry." Taehyung mumbled, rubbing the back of his head, awkwardly. "Aha~ don't worry about it, Taehyung." Kade replied, with a small ludic smile. "Please tell me that I'm not the only one with no clue as to why everyone looks so buzzed today?" Taehyung asked, as a flock of girls pushed their way past the pair, seemingly too engrossed in their own conversation to care about Taehyung and Kade. Kade gave the werewolf a gesture of incredulity, his face seemed to be screaming "are you kidding me?" but Kade didn't voice it,  "You really don't know?" Taehyung shook his head, intrigued, as Kade continued
"Damn, I expected you to know, you know, seeing as you're Jungkook's friend and all—"

"—you don't think he's gay do you?" A voice said, somewhere in the crowd of passing students,
"Hell no, he did it for the trend, I mean it's a party, it wasn't really Jungkook we should be calling gay, it's Lucas, after all, he's the one who leaned in first—" Taehyung didn't hear much after that. he only heard Jungkook and Lucas's names, something about leaning in, and that was all he needed for his brain to stop processing on the spot. He stared forward at the entrance of the school. Anyone could just imagine the sparks flickering in the innermosts of his brain, desperately trying to connect the dots to the most un-hurtful conclusion but instead short circuiting, because there was only one conclusion, and it was not pretty. "Taehyung? Taehyung?" Kade's voice seemed to fade away, like the sound of rain being overthrown by the crash of thunder, the thunder being Taehyung's raging thoughts spiralling into nihility within his very skull.

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