Akatsuki Eucliffe

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Name: Akatsuki Eucliffe

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 5'11"

- Blond hair
- Brown eyes
- Tan skin
- A scar across his neck from when an enemy slit his throat (he got saved though right after it happened, so he somehow survived)

- Extroverted
- Carefree
- Kind-Hearted
- Adventurous

Sexuality: Straight

Father (Sting Eucliffe)
Mother (Yukino Aguria)

L-Brother (Daichi Eucliffe) ~14~

Magic: Light Dragon Slayer

Guild Mark: Right Shoulder [WHITE]

Colby Cheney
Sonny (his Exceed)

- Fighting
- Climbing things
- Traveling (despite his motion sickness)
- Having fun

- Night time
- Flying too high (Sonny has a habit of spacing out while flying and accidentally going really high)
- His motion sickness
- Being scoldted (which happens a lot)

Extra Notes:
- He's actually a lot like his father
- He and Colby both share really good relationships with other guilds, especially Fairy Tail

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