Gillian Alberona

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Name: Gillian Alberona

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Height: 5'3"

- Brown hair; pretty wavy
- Red eyes
- Tan skin
- Ears are pierced

- Responsible
- Competative
- Calm under pressure
- Doesn't trust people easily

Sexuality: Straight

Father (Bacchus Groh)
Mother (Cana Alberona)

Siblings: None

Magic: Card Magic

Guild Mark: Lower right waist [RED]

She doesn't have one

- Helping her mom with her drinking problem
- Card Games
- Music
- Watching the guild be dumb

- Alcohol
- Her father
- Cana's drinking problem
- Revealing clothing

Extra Notes:
- She was a result of a drunken one night stand; she went to go and find her father when she was ten (without telling Cana). She found out pretty quickly that he didn't want anything to do with her. When she returned to Fairy Tail, she found out Cana was freaking out, wondering where she'd gone off to.
- She's definantly the most responsible of the new generation

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